Live in case

Robert E. CokerStreams Lakes Ponds, New York, Harper Torchbooks, 1968, p. 242.

Unlike the mayflies, the larvae live mostly in cases of some sort. These may be woven tubes which sometimes are branchig cylinders submerged, except for an open end, in the fine silt of the bottom. More often they are cylindrical houses made of formed material strengthened with sand grains, fine gravel, bits of leaves nicely cut out for thise use, seeds, sticks or other debris ( Fig. 26).

Athough caddises are most frequently observed in swift streams, there are species that live exclusively in still waters. Characteristic of ponds and lakes are Limnophilus, with rough, bur-like tubes armed with many cross-sticks and other vegetable matter,  Phryganea, on submerged plants, with houses of narrow strips of leaves put together in spiral forma round a cylinder, Triaenodes, with elongate cases having the form of a cornucopia decorated with fragments of leaves, and a very few others.