Robert Plot, The Natural History of Oxfordshire, Oxford, Leon Lichfield, 1705, p.182-183.
Of other flying Insects, I have minded only the Muscae aquaticae, such as are generated in the waters, and come of Cadworms, and theresore called by Johnston, Phryganides, quod e Phryganio Monfeti [sic] (the Caddis of the English) ortum habeant : Nor shall I venture to describe above one of these neither (and that only as a specimen of what I intend of the rest, as saft as I can compass the method of their productions) which I think I may call Musca è Phryganio saxatili, there being a stone, as well as a stick caddis, or Cad-worm ; in the generation of which, Nature seems to observe the following method. First, there appears on the stone to which many of them stick, as in Tab. 10. Fig. 4. Only little bubbles of a glutinous nature, like the spawn of frogs, which by the descent of gravel and sand that stick to them, are formed into stone Caddis houses, including the Animal theresore called the stone Caddis ; which after it has continued in its rough–cast stone house its due time, gets off the stone either to the hank of the River, or climes up some reed, where also leaving its house, it becomes a flye, somwhat like a shape to the Muscae or bipiles Mouseti, that come of the stick Caddis, only it is shorter, and want both the Antennae and … bristly tail ; but most of all like the Breise, only the Briese is all gray, and this has a black head and dark brown wings. See its form, Tab. 10. Fig. 5.
« Phryganio Monfeti » [sic] désigne la Phrygane dénommée par Thomas Mufet (ou Mouffet, ou Moufet, ou Muffet), auteur du Theatrum Insectorum, publié post mortem en 1634.