What make thoses little piece of sticks move about in your net Alfred?

Parent’s Cabinet, « The Fireside A walk to the ponds « , Boston, The Religious Magazine vol. III, D.K. Hitchcock, 1836, p. 123.

« What make thoses little piece of stick move about in your net Alfred ? » said Charles.« Oh, they are only the caddis-worms, » answered Alfred, carelessly, » The boys bait their lines with them for angling. »

« I see no worms », replied Charles, « they look to me like little bundles of sticks moving about of themselves. What are they mamma ? »
« Alfred has told you the right name of the insect that moves those little sticks, » said Mrs Long. « take up one of the little bundles in your hand, my dear, and you will see that it is a little hollow case, and that the insect lives within it. In dragging about its house the caddis-worm only puts out the head, so that amongst the mud in the net you did not observe it. »
« Oh, now I see his little Brown head, mamma, » said Charles, as he took one of the cases in his hand. « How does he make his house ? and can he get out ? »
« He can go in and out when he likes, » said Mrs Long, « and when he finds he has grown too large for it, he makes another. First he makes a little case of silk, open at each end, and covers it with small pieces of rush, or wood, or straw, which he bites to the right length. He does not, always use the same materials, for sometimes he makes the case with sand, small stones, or even little shells, but however rough the outside of his house may be, the Inside is always smooth.
