
Ann Heiskell Rickey, Bugs and Critters I Have Know, Ill ; Ardeane Heiskell Smith, Old Cayon Press, 1995, p. 30.

The Caddis Worm

The caddis worm lives where the great trout swim.

They’re a danger to him

And his chances are slim.


So he cannily covers his back with twigs

And rubbish and sprigs

And thingamajigs.


Then glad as a pig his life is spent

Under his tent.

It’s no accident.


For what is the purpose of all that debris ?

Well, it naturally

Makes him hard to see.


And a Rainbow out scouting to find his lunch

Might well have a hunch

And think, « Munch, munch !


« I’d love me a nice juicy worm to smash

And mash into hash-

But I won’t eat trash ! »