Clifford Bennett Moore, The Book of Wild Pets: Being a Discussion on the Care and Feeding of Our Native Wildlife in Captivity, Boston, O. T. Branford & Co., 1954, pp. 86-88.
Archives du mot-clé mason
An excellent mason
W.D. Funkhouser, Arts and Sciences, As taught in the World’s greatest, University, Lexington, 1947, p. 36.
It was a laborious business
H. E. Towner Coston, The Swift trout: a tale of trout in two rivers, Londres, Collins, 1946, pp. 43-44.
Can they learn by experience?
Lorus Johnson Milne & Margery J. Milne, A Multitude of Living Things, New York, Dood, Mead & Company, (1945) 1947, pp. 35-43.
But how can we keep it alive?
Theodore McClintock, The underwater Zoo, New York, The Vanguard Press, 1938.
The collection
Towner H. E. Coston, Beneath the Surface, The Cycle of River Life, Londres, Country Life, 1938.
Ancient artizans
Stuard Ward Frost, Ancient artizans, the Wonders of the Insect World, Boston, The Van Press, 1936.
Bird and insects masons
Edith M. Patch & Harrison E. Howe, Science at Home, New York, The MacMillan Company, 1934, p. 63-64.
Comparative spychology
Frank E. Lutz, « Caddys-Fly Larvae as Mason and Builders, Flexibility in the Case-making Behavior of Caddis-Fly Larvae », New York, Natural History, The Journal of the American Museum of Natural History, vol. 30, 1930, pp. 275- 281.
The most fascinating residents
William Morgan Savin, Nature’s little artisans at work. The constructive ability of various insects and spiders, and the diversity of their methods in the struggle for life as observer on a New Jersey Estate. New York, William Edwin Rudge, (1922) 1926, p. 69-70.
Homo Sapiens
Horatio Gordon Hutchinson, A fellowship of anglers Longmans, Londres, Green & Co., 1925, p. 92-95.
Jean-Henri Fabre : The life of the Fly
Jean-Henri Fabre, The life of the fly, New York, Dood Mead, 1919.
In small aquaria
Edward F. Bigelow, « Insect Carpenters and Masons ». Popular Science Monthly, New York, D. Appleton, juillet, 1916, pp. 95-96.
When the worm is a mason
Anonyme, « When the worm is a mason », The Technical World Magazine, Chicago, Armour Institute of Technology, février, vol 22, n° 6, 1915, p. 860.
Master masons and builders
S.H. Chubb, « Master Masons and Builders », House & Garden, New York, McBride, Nast & Co., juin 1915, pp. 424-425.