Florence Bass, Wendy Kramer & Julia Wright, Christian Liberty Nature Reader Book, Arlington Heights, Illinois, Christian Liberty Press, 1996, p. 41-42.
Archives du mot-clé fun
Nature’s carpenters and stonemasons
Ross E. Hutchins, Caddis Insects, Nature’s Carpenters and Stonemasons, New York, Dodd, Mead & Company, 1966, p. 29- 48.
It is fun to collect the strange little house
Jill Norman, In Garden, Field and Pond, Londres, Hutchinson, 1958, p. 136.
Oh, yes. Gosh, what fun!
Norman Wymer, In nature’s workshop, Londres, Harrap, 1948, pp. 69-76.
Uncle Merry
Enid Blyton, Nature Lover’s Book, Londres, Evan Brothers, 1944, p. 52.
They pay no regard to fashion
Martin Francis Duncan & Lucy Theresa Duncan, Insect Life In Pond And Stream, Humphrey Milford, Oxford University Press, (1913), 1941, pp. 70-75.
Ancient artizans
Stuard Ward Frost, Ancient artizans, the Wonders of the Insect World, Boston, The Van Press, 1936.
Remarkable masonry
Edward F. Bigelow, The Guide to Nature, vol. 6, Arcadia Connecticut, Agassiz Association, 1913, pp. 378- 379.
Transparent substances
W. Furneaux, Life in Ponds and Streams, Londres, Longmans, Green & Co., 1904, pp. 288-294.
How funny he must look
Anonyme, « One Way to Live Under Water », Domestic Science Monthly, vol. 2-4, 1901, p. 123.
Mr Caddis worm has a very soft little body
Florence Bass, Nature stories for young readers: animal life, Boston, D.C. Heath & Co., 1895, p. 51-53.
He joins them together
Anonyme, The Newberry House Magazine, vol. I, Londres, G. F. Okeden & Welsh, 1893, p. 238.
His tabernacle
Anonyme, « The Caddis or Case-Fly », New York, Aquarium, vol. II, n° 25, octobre 1892, p. 6-7.
The gigantic mollusk seen by Nemo
Horace Lunt, Across Lots, Boston, D. Lothrop, 1888, p. 179-181.
They are amusing without being immoral
Charles Kingsley, The boys’ and girls’ book of science, Londres, Strahan & Co., 1881.