Anonyme, The Newberry House Magazine, vol. I, Londres, G. F. Okeden & Welsh, 1893, p. 238.
« We will have the gentleman, « said her father »; and two or three more like him. He is a caddis- and something of the same king as those other water-insects which we caught just now- and which I told you would turn into flies; only I suppose he does not like the idea of being eaten by efts or water-boatmen, so he makes that house for himself out of bits of stick, and shells and small pebbles. He joins them together with silky threads out of his mouth, and marches about Inside his building quite safe and sound. We will put him into the bottle with one or two others; he can stay in your pond till he turns into a caddis fly. It will amuse you to see how he will alter his shell when he gets there. He is sure to cut pieces of weed and stick on, for they change the fashion of their cases so as to make them match the places they live in, that they may hide more easily. It is time to go in now. Mousie was delighted with ner new pets, and prattled all the way home about all the wonderful things she meant to do « now that she had a real pond »