Ros E. Hutchins, Trails to Nature’s Mysteries, New York, Dodd, Mead & Company, 1977, p. 36.
Archives du mot-clé pretty
C was a Caddis-Worm, under the wave
M. Sullivan, The day of wonders, a medley of sense and nonsense, Ill. W.G. Browne, Londres, Griffith & Farran, 1879.
Remarkable pretty
Gerald Durrell, Birds, Beasts, and Relatives, Londres, Harper Collins, 1969, p. 80.
Nature’s carpenters and stonemasons
Ross E. Hutchins, Caddis Insects, Nature’s Carpenters and Stonemasons, New York, Dodd, Mead & Company, 1966, p. 29- 48.
The philosopher’s stone!
Elizabeth Enright, Gone-away Lake , New York, Harcourt, Brace & Co., 1957.
They are certainly very clever architects
Gerald Durrell, My family and other animals, Londres, Rupert Hart-Davis, 1956.
A white and a blue caddis larva
Maxwell Knight, Instruction to young naturalist, n° 1, British, Amphibians, Reptiles and Pond Dwellers, Londres, Museum Press, 1956, pp. 122-113.
A very pretty effect will be produced
W. G. Bainbridge, The Fly-Fisher’s Guide to Aquatic Flies and Their Imitations, Londres, A. & C. Black, 1936, pp. 16-18. Lire la suite
A. Verrill Hyatt , Rivers and their mysteries , New York, Duffield and company, 1922, p.140-141
The process is repeated
Rosalie Lulham, An Introduction to Zoology with Directions for Practical Work, MacMilan & Co, Londres, 1913, pp. 322-323.
If you could capture one
William J. Claxton, Round the year with nature, Londres, The Waverley Books, 1911, pp. 218-219.
Transparent substances
W. Furneaux, Life in Ponds and Streams, Londres, Longmans, Green & Co., 1904, pp. 288-294.
The insect folk
Margaret Warner Morley, The Insect Folk, vol. I, Boston, Ginn & Company, 1903, pp. 190-194.
For your collection
Rest H. Metcalf, « Interesting Stones House », Birds and nature magazine, vol. 8-9, Londres, Osprey Company, 1900, p. 55.
The Water-Babies(Sambourne)
Charles Kingsley, The Water-Babies, chapitres II et III, Ill. Linley Sambourne, Londres, Mac Millan & Co., (1863), 1899.