Allan A. MacFarlan, The boy’s book of outdoor discovery , New York, Galahad Books, 1974, p. 44.
Archives du mot-clé weave
Intriguing study in camouflage
Ellen Mary Stephenson & Charles Samuel Stewart-Evison, Animal Camouflage, Londres, A. & C. Black, 1955, p. 68. Lire la suite
Oh, yes. Gosh, what fun!
Norman Wymer, In nature’s workshop, Londres, Harrap, 1948, pp. 69-76.
Its collect tiny bits
Kate Harvey, My Book of Insects, Seashore Animals and Fish, Londres, MacMillan and Co, 1944, p. 85.
Mr Davies
Sherard Vines, Movements in modern English poetry and prose, Oxford University Press, 1927, p.29.
Insects artizans and their work
Edward Step, Insect artizans and their work, Londres, Hutchinson & Co, 1919, Chapitre Tailors, p. 197-199.
Interesting facts
Anonyme, Children’s museum News, Vol 1-8, New York, Brooklyn Institute of arts and sciences, 1914, pp. 60 -61.
F. Martin Duncan, Our insect friends and foes, Londres, Methuen & Co., 1911, pp. 93-96.
The art of the body
John Bretland Farmer, The book of nature story, vol II, Londres, The Caxton Publishing Company, 1908, pp. 110-112.
I am a caddis worm
Agnes McClelland Daulton, Wings and Stings, Ill. de l’auteur, Chicago, Rand McNally & Co., 1902, pp. 79-82.
Beautiful works of insect art
William Hamilton Gibson, Sharp Eyes: A Rambler’s Calendar od Fifty-two Weeks Among Insects, Birds and Flowers, New York, Harper & Brothers, 1898, pp. 299-304.
His tabernacle
Anonyme, « The Caddis or Case-Fly », New York, Aquarium, vol. II, n° 25, octobre 1892, p. 6-7.
And dragging
Arabella Buckley, Lide and her Children, Glimpses of Animal Life, Londres, Edward Stanford, 1880, p. 221-222.
We have repeatedly tried experiments
James Rennie, Insect Architecture, édition augmentée par J.G. Wood, Londres, Bell & Daldy, 1869, p. 202-207.
Billy! Billy!
Maria Charlotte Lees , Summer hours, Ill. de l’auteur, Londres, Darton & Co.,1859, p. 24-27.