Victor Witter Turner, On the Edge of the Bush: Anthropology as Experience, Tucson University of Arizona Press, 1985, p. 263.
Archives du mot-clé nest
Versatile methods
Errol E. Harris, The Foundations of Metaphysics in Science, Londres, Allen and Unwin, 1965, p. 235.
Learning & instinct animals
W.H. Thorpe, Learning and instinct in animals, Methuen, Londres, 1956.
The bed of a stream
Marguerite Ickis, Nature in Recreation, New York, A.S. Barnes and Company, 1943, p. 69.
It glues together
Harold Melvin Stanford, The Standard reference work: for the home, school and Library, Vol. 2, Chicago, Standard Education Society, 1921.
With you magnifying glass
Anonyme, « Chumming with nature, The girl’s page for may », The Youth’s Companion, vol. 88, n° 19, 7 mai, Boston, 1914, p. 248.
His Venetian palaces in twilight
Bernhard Sickert, « Modern painters’ in 1906 », Burlington Magazine, vol. 9, Londres, avril-septembre 1906.
How funny he must look
Anonyme, « One Way to Live Under Water », Domestic Science Monthly, vol. 2-4, 1901, p. 123.
The Roman consuls
Arthur Thomas Fisher, Rod and River: Or, Fly-fishing for Salmon, Trout and Grayling, Londres, Richard Bentley, 1892, p. 106-109.
Yes, it does
G. Christopher Davies, The Swan and her crew, or the adventures of three young naturalists and sportsmen on the broads and rivers of Norkfolk, Londres, Frederick Warne, 1889, p. 168-169.
Requires a little correction
Robert Holland, « Animated Horsehairs » Notes and Queries a Medium of Entercommunication for Literary Men, General Readers, etc., 9 octobre, Londres, 1886, p. 293-294.
An apparently dead stick!
Evangelical Magazine with which is issued The Missionary Chronicle, vol. 15, Londres, 1885, p. 271.
Made only for show
William Gershom Collingwood, The Philosophy of ornament : eight lectures on the history of decorative art, given at Uniersity College, Liverpool, Kent, George Allen Orpington, 1883, p. 21.
An admirable illustration of the instinct
Anonyme, “The aquarium Fresh Water Vegetation,” Cassell’s Household Guide Being A Complet Encyclopedia Domestic and Social Economy, vol. I, Londres, 1877, p. 64.
A source of intense amusement
C. L. Jones, « The Fresh Water Aquarium », Fruit recorder and Cottage Gardener, vol. 9, n° 11, Rochester (N Y), A. M. Purdy, 1 novembre 1875, p. 166.