Ross E. Hutchins, Nature Invente It First, New York, Dood, Mead & Company, 1980, p.84.
Archives du mot-clé intelligence
The demande of Elizabethan clients
William Ronald Dalzell, Architecture: the indispensable art, Londres, Michael Joseph, 1962, p. 122.
Comparative spychology
Frank E. Lutz, « Caddys-Fly Larvae as Mason and Builders, Flexibility in the Case-making Behavior of Caddis-Fly Larvae », New York, Natural History, The Journal of the American Museum of Natural History, vol. 30, 1930, pp. 275- 281.
Jean-Henri Fabre : The life of the Fly
Jean-Henri Fabre, The life of the fly, New York, Dood Mead, 1919.
P. Hachet-Souplet, De l’animal à l’enfant, Paris, F. Alcan, 1913.
Quand la pierre est placée
Henri Coupin, Les Arts et Métiers chez les Animaux, Paris, Librairie Vuibert, 1904, pp. 264-265.
The disguise availed it nothing
Douglas English, Wee Tim’rous Beasties Studies of Animal life and Character, Londres, S.H. Bousfield & Co., 1903.
Beautiful works of insect art
William Hamilton Gibson, Sharp Eyes: A Rambler’s Calendar od Fifty-two Weeks Among Insects, Birds and Flowers, New York, Harper & Brothers, 1898, pp. 299-304.
L’art de construire est perfectible
C. Millet, Les merveilles des fleuves et des ruisseaux, Bibliothèque des merveilles, Paris, Hachette, (1871), 1888, p. 216.
Notherworthly intelligence
Henry Webster Parker, The Spirit of Beauty: Essays Scientific and Aesthetic, New York, J.B. Alden, 1888, p. 83.
What do scientific men understand by reason
John Alex Ollard, « Caddis-Worms Cases-Intelligence in animal », Knowledge a monthly record of sciences, Vol 1, avril 21, Londres, Knowledge Publishing Co., 1882, p. 538.
A student in his Library
Oliver Wendell Holmes, The Poet at the Breakfast Table, Boston, Houghton, 1872, p. 229.
The wonderful optics
Sidney Dyer, Great Wonders in little things, Philadelphie, The Bible and Publication, 1871, p. 33-37. Lire la suite
Ingenious experiment
Frank T. Buckland, Fish hatching, Londres, Tinsley Brothers, 1863, p. 244-246.
Adjust the weight
John Kitto, A Cyclopedia of Biblical Literature, Vol II, New York, Mark H. Newman, 1846.