W.D. Funkhouser, Arts and Sciences, As taught in the World’s greatest, University, Lexington, 1947, p. 36.
Archives du mot-clé outline
They exhibit a fine symmetry
Curtis C.F. Riley, « Some Phases of Spring Nature Study », School Sciences and Mathematics, Menasha Wisconsin, The Central Association of Science and Mathematics Teachers, vol. 18, juin, 1918, p. 544.
Last, but not least
Anonyme, The Bay State Monthly, Boston, John McClintock, 1910, p. 78.
& Anonyme, The New England Magazine ,Boston, vol. 42, 1910, p. 78.
Rapid transportation
John Henry Comstock & Anna Botsford Comstock, A Manual for the study of Insects, Ithaca New York, The Comstock Publishing Company, 1895, pp. 187-188.
Moving of their own accord
James E. Talmage, « A Pond Excursion », The Contributor, vol. 12, Salt Lake City (Utah)Junius F. Wells, 1891, p. 342-343. Lire la suite
A strange voice
Mona B. Bickerstaffe, Down Among the Waterweeds or Marvels of Pond Life, Johnstone, Edimbourg Hunter & Co., 1867.