Anonyme, The Bay State Monthly, Boston, John McClintock, 1910, p. 78.
& Anonyme, The New England Magazine ,Boston, vol. 42, 1910, p. 78.
Last, but not least, the caddis worme are abundant in nearly all trout streams. Izaak Walton says » Several countries have several kinds of cadis’s, that inded differ as much as dogs do; that is to say, as much as a very cur and a greyhound do. »
Caddis worm build curious little houses, shaped like a hollow cylinder, out of sticks, straw, pieces or bark, or sometimes of small pebbles, fitted together as neatly as a mosaic. In these they live and hide themselves in times of danger. The boys call them stick-baits because they are used for bait and their homes often resemble small decaying sticks. When in search of food the worm extends its heads and with front feelers drags the house along the bottom of the stream. You have read how they turn into flies and how Mrs. Trout enjoyed catching the flies as they rose to the top of the water. Mrs. Trout also enjoys the worms and it is fine play for her silently to dart up behind a caddis worm crawling along on the bottom, with a quick turn seize the head and shoulders in her mouth and shake it so violently that the little stone house falls off, and the worm slides a delicate morsel down Mrs. Trout throat. But the caddises have their revenge upon Mrs. Trout, for they like nothing better than trout eggs and baby fish with imbilical sacs , like the one which came to the wife of the mayor, and many as fine meal they make of them.
All these and many more forms of aquatic life are fond of fish eggs ….Notwithstanding all these ennemies some eggs survive and during all this time little fishes are developing Inside of them until two little eye spots show through each amber colored shell first very faintly and later on more plainly. Then the outline of the little fishes curled up in the shells can also be seen, at first of a whitish color and later of a distinct brown shade.
It was at this stage that the January thaw caused the snow on the hills to melt and the water to pour into the little stream until it became a raging torrent and the nest of eggs was washed out. Some of them are smothered under the sand and debris but others find resting places.