Henry Augustin Beers, Initial Studies in American Letters, New York, Chatauqua Press, (1891) 1895, p. 258.
Still,in the midst of the article day we may trace the summer to its retreats and sympathize with some-contemporary life. Stretched over the brooks, in the midst of the frost-bound meadows, we way observe the submarine cottages of the caddice-worms, the larvae of the Plicipennes. They small cylindrical cases built around themselves, composed of flags, sticks, grass, and withered leaves, shells and pebbles, inform and color like the wrecks which strew the bottom, now drifting along over the pebbly bottom, now whirling in tiny eddies and dashing down steep falls, or sweeping rapidly along with the current, or else swaying to and fro at the end of some grass-blade or root. Anon they will leave their sunken habitations, and crawling up the stems or plants or to surface of the water or sacrifice their short lives in the flme of our candle at evening.