William Ellis, Agriculture Improv’d : or the Practice of Hudbandry, Londres, T. Osborne, 1746, p. 72.
Eighthly, Of Water-maggots, or Grubs. – I have seen various Kinds of these in stagnante Waters, and particulary where there is Mud, and the Water shallow. Here I have observed a Maggot to gather Sticks, or Straws, or other Soil, and creep with it on the Ground till his Legs grew uselefs, because in this he inclosed himself, and bred Wings in the Hut of House; and, at, last, when he has got Strength enough, he crawls out of his Hut, takes Wing, and flies upon the Surface of the Water in the Summer. First it is called a Caddis, and then a May-fly.