Fitz Hugh Ludlow, The heart of the continent a record of travel across the Plains and in Oregon, New York, Hurd and Houghton, 1870, p. 401.
I leave a subject which would be wholly unpleasant but for its bearings on the interesting scientific question whether or not Salt Lake is unihabited, whith-a passing reference to the fact that Governor Cummings mentioned to Captain Burton hi shaving seen in the lake a reddish vermicular animal, about as long as the top joint of his little finger, who had spun himself a sheltering web inside of a curled leaf a few inches long. This may be some new variety of the caddis-worm, an dit would be an interesting subject for examination. After wading this sty of concentrated nastiness (which nothing ever pushed me through but scientific enthusiasm, and the reflection how ashamed i should….