K-Z (A-J)
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- Kathryn Lasky, Pond Year, Ill. Mike Bostock, Candlewick Press, 1997. (0) Bouquiniste
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- Lida Brooks Miller, Child’s History of Animals and Stories of Insect Life, Youth’s Publishing Camany, circa, 1890. Bouquiniste
- Francesco Milo, Conocere la natura, Milan, Giunti Junior, 2008. (0), Bouquiniste
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- Charles D Neal, What is an insect, Londres, Collins,1964. (0). Bouquiniste
- Angelika Neiser & Heinz-Helge Schulze & Angela Hoffmann, Fluss und Teich, Arena Verlag,
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- Hugh L. Newman, Tutto su gli insetti, Il naturalista all’opera, Milan, Mondadori. (?)
- John Nicholson, Animal Architects, Melbourne, Allen & Unwin, 2006. (0) G.B.
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- David Nockels, Animal Builders (An Animal pop-up book), New York, Dial, 1981. (0). Bouquiniste
- Jean-Philippe Noël, Qui voyage avec sa maison. Edition Milan, Toulouse 1992. B. Municipale, Digne
- Glenn O’ Blough, The Insect Parade, Basic Science Education Series, Londres, Row, Peterson & Company.(1943), 1947. (?)
- Clare Oliver, Life in a pond, Evans Brothers, 2002. (?
- Georg Ordish, Butterflies and Moths, Londres, Paul Hamlyn, 1969. (0). Bouquiniste
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- Herbert Paatz, Voyages merveilleux de Paul et Marielle, Paris, Hachette, 1941. (0) Bouquiniste
- Cris Packham, Nature’s Calendar, Londres, Collins. 2007. Cambridge Library
- Jerry Pallotta, The Freshwater Alphabet Book, Watertown, (MA), Charlesbridge Publishing, 1996. (?)
- Jean-Baptiste de Panafieu, Planète Eau Douce, Paris, Gallimard Jeunesse, 2003. Médiathèque, Nîmes.
- Bertha Morris Parker, The Golden treasury of Natural History, New York, Simon & Schuster, 1952. (0) Bouquiniste
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- Alexandra Parsons, Les maisons des animaux, Carrefour, 1995. (0) Bouquinist
- Anna Pepino (Edit.), Prima Encyclopedia illustrata degli Animali, Florence, Dami Editore, (1998), 2008.
- Charles Peters, The girl’s own outdoor book, Philadelphie, J. B. Lippincott & Co., 1889. G.B.
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- Illa Podendorf, The true book of insects, Ill. Chauncy Maltman, Chicago, Children Press, 1954. (0) Bouquiniste
- Georges Ponsot, Le roman de la rivière, Ill. Georges Delaw, Paris, F. Sorlot, 1937. Bouquiniste
- Beatrix Potter, Les maisons des animaux, Paris, Gallimard Jeunesse, 1991. (?)
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- Greg Pyers, Which insects Live here ? Ill. Steve Morvell, Rigby, 2000. (?)
- Simone Rea, Missione natura, Modene, Franco Cosimo Panini, 2013. Bouquiniste
- Matthew Robertson, Insectes et araignées, Paris, Larousse, 2001. (?)
- Ann Rocard, Les animaux et leurs maisons, Paris, Hachette, 1992. B. Municipale ,Nérac
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- Ronald N. Rood, L’album merveilleux des insectes, Ill. I. Koebler, Paris, Gautier-Languereau, 1960. (?)
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- Theodore Rowland-Entwistle, Animal Homes, Random, 1987. Bouquiniste
- Bernard Roy, Le Buffon des enfants, Paris, Marcus, 1945. (0) Bouquiniste.
- Bernard Roy, Piccolo Atlante degli Insetti, Ill. Felix Lorioux, Fratelli Fabri, 1957. (?)
- Rainer Sacher, La rivière en activité, Paris, Sordier, 1982. (0) Bouquiniste
- Albert Salamon, Zoologie amusante, Ill. Jean Dossat, E. Plumon.
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- Gerhard Schmid &Teresa Baethmann, Mein erstes Kosmos-Buch vom Teich, 2004. (0) Bouquiniste
- David M. Schwartz, At the Pond, Garth Stevens, 1998. (?)
- Michael Scott, The Young Oxford Book of Ecology, Oxford University Press, 1995. (?)
- Ann Persall Sharp, Little garden people and what they do, Ill. Marion Bryson, Saalfield Publishing, 1938. (?)
- Dorothy Edwards Shuttlesworth, Exploring nature with your child: an introduction to the enjoyment and understanding of nature, New York, Greystone, 1952. G.B.
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- Donald M. Silver, Busy Beaver pond: a Pop-up Book Ill Patricia J. Wynne, New York, W.H. Freeman & Co., 1995. (?)
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- T. Spencer Smithson, Pond Life, Algae and Allied Forms, The young collector series, Londres, Swan Sonnenschein, 1890. (0). Bouquiniste
- Robert Snedden, Pond Life, Ill. The Peter Bull Art Studio, Londres, Parragon Plus, 1997. (0). Bouquiniste
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