J. Searle, « Aquatic Housebuilder’s », The Victorian Naturalist, Melbourne, 1924, p. 241-241.
.. but in every case the young larvae, as soon as hatched, begin to make protecting case for themselves. These cases are very varied in shape and mode of construction.
Some are an untidy collection of rubbish loosely fastened together (fig.3) ; in others the material is arranged neatly in symmetrical tubes (figs. 1 and 2). Some compose their cases of grains of sand (fig.5), others of shells of planorbis and other snails. A small species I took in numbers on the Baw Baw plateau composed their horn-shaped cases of shinning fragments of mica (fiG.4), and looked like living, iridescent gems as they moved along the bed of the small streamlet. A very similar caddis-worm with a case of the same shape, but composed of some dark substance is common in the lake of the Botanical Gardens (fig.6). Sometimes the caddis-worm will take possessions of a hollow stem of straw or reed (fig. 8) instead of building a case for itself, and you find them even in pieces of decayed wood (fig.9). So bulky, indeed, are some of these cases that sometimes one wonders how the worm manages to drag them along as they creep over the bottom of a pool or climb among the weeds ; but when one remembers that the submerged cases lose weight equal to their bulk of water, a waight that could not be moved on land is easily carried about in the water.