Samuel Smiles, Robert Dick, Baker of Thurso Geologist and Botanist, Londres, John Murray, 1878, p. 212-213.
« A beautiful illustration of this is to be seen in the little loch of Mey. It is a very shallow pool of fresh water, nearly flat, but deepening a little towards its lower end, where a stream goes off to drive the mill of Mey. Its eastern shore was strewn with sand, and not long ago, the minute waves has dashed across it, leaving, in the circles of its upper reaches, straws, sticks, and bits of peat. Stooping down on my knees to scrutinise the sands, I was surprised to find innumerable multitudes of Limnaea and Cyclas,- the whole mingled with the Old House of a small Caddis worm. * The sight was impressive. Here was a miniature representation of geologic fact. Thousand of organic existence suddenly terminating their little span of life, through no fault of their own, but by the seeming accident of a sudden shower! »
• Caddis-worm, or Case-worm.