Anonyme, « Instinctive Knowledge of Insects », Monthly Literary Miscelian A Compendium of Literary Philosophical and Religious Knowledge, Quinby, Wood & Russell, 1852, p. 503-504. Lire la suite
Archives du mot-clé skill
A more laborious structure
Anonyme, “Water Insects” The youth’s Cabinet: a book of gems for the mind and the hear, vol. 2, New York, 1852, p. 10-11.
An industrial exhibition
« An Industrial Exhibition of Insects », The Leisure hour. A Family Journal of Instruction and recreation n°33, Londres, 12 août 1852.
But one of the most surprising
Anonyme, Compte rendu du livre The Passions of Animals Edward P. Thompson. Chapman & Hall. Londres 1851, New York, The American Whig Review, 1852, p. 160.
The little architect
A. Ackerman, First Book of Natural History, New York, Cady & Burgess, 1848, p. 221-222.
The most insignificant of living things
Anonyme, « Natural Science », The Herard of Truth, a Monthly Periodical, vol. II, Cincinnati, 1847, p. 13-14.
We frequently observe
« Natural Science », The Herald of Truth, a Monthly Periodical devoted to the Religion, Philosophy, Literature, Science and Art, Cincinnati, L.A. Company, juillet, vol. II, 1847, p. 13-14.
Any human architect
Thomas Miller, The Boy’s summer book. Descriptive of the season scenery, rural life and country amusements, New York, Harper & Brothers, 1847, p.71-72.
A more laborious
John Barlow Burton, Lectures on Entomology, Londres, Simpkin & Marshall, 1837.
Uncle Philip
Anonyme, Natural History ; or, Uncle Philip’s Conversations with the Childrens about Tools and Trades among Inferior Animals, New York, J. & J. Harper, 1835, p. 73-79. Lire la suite
Grotto building
Jammes Rennie, Alphabet of Scientific Angling for the Use of Beginners, Londres, Willliam Orr, 1833, p. 34-35.
Uncle Philip’s Conversations
Uncle Philip’s, Conversations with Young Persons, New York, J. & J. Harper, 1833, p. 73-76.
The inner wall of the case
James L. Drummond, Letters to a Young Naturalist on the Study of Nature and Natural Theology, Londres, Longman, 1832, p. 37-38.