Arthur John Thomson, « The beauty of Animal Artistry », The Strand Magazine, Londres, vol. 81, 1931, p. 397.
…early summer is familiar with the inch-long larvae of caddis-flies, which creep about among stones, like locomotor bunches of tiny pebbles or fragments of stem and leaf. The larvae shelter themselves in open tubes, made out of a great variety of materials, neatly fastened together with silk threads and lined with silk. There is here a far-off hint of clothes, and part of the use of the tube is to shelter the rather soft posterior body of the larva as it prowls about- a vegetarian with a big appetite. What we have referred to is the ordinary type of caddis -worms found in Britain, but there is one at least that makes a web of silken threads, and there are many of similar habit on the Continent.