H. M. Batson, Book of the country and the garden, Londres, Methuen & Co, 1903, p. 230
The wind blew it towards us, but surely the little frond-like excrescences had independent movements of their own, which carried them backwards against the wind sometimes for a moment.
We secured a portion of the spray, and discovered that the lateral fronds were in reality caddis worms living in unwonted houses. Many a time had I found them moving slowly at the bottom of the water in their tiny tenements composed of pebbles, sticks, and shells. But here they were climbing near the surface on the Anacharis, which they had so cunningly imitated with little bits of stalk bound together and sticking out crossways, that one’s first impulse was to suspect the weed of unnatural growth rather than to regard that growth as the home of a little colony of caddis worms.