Biddy Jarzembowski, Neil Watson & Edmund Jarzembowski, « Wealden Insects, An artit’s impression (Part I) », Southwold (Suffolk), Deposits, n°47, 2016.
Caddisfly larva and pupa of the extinct ichnogenus, Conchindusia, from the Hasting Group (which succedds the Purbeck Limestone group). Know only from trace fossils (caddis cases), the larva of the common species, Conchindusia rasnitsyni Jarzembowski, in the Ashdown Formation still remains to be discovered unlike ihn the picture. Nevertheless, the cases encrusted with clam-shrimp valves are coloured as in live footage of these animals on « U Tube », and are not the familiar dark brown of fossils. The pupa is depicted atttached to a horsetail stem as Equisetites is also common in the Ashdown Formation.