Edward F. Bigelow, « On Nature’s Trail », Boy’s Life,The Boy’s Scout’s Magazine, New York, vol. VIII, n° 4, avril 1918, p. 31.
One of the most astonishing and perhaps most available fields in many respects for the use of the microscope in the autumn is that of the caddis fly cases. By brook banks where they are frequently unobserved there are sometimes to be found innumerable tiny cases that under the magnification of a pocket lens look like posts of cemented stones. The larva of the caddis fly has built then for its own protection. Apparently nature has taught it that its soft body is a luscious morsel for a hungry fish, so the caddis places around itself this protective building. We may push the inhabitant out from his stone cabin, or sometimes his little log cabin when it is formed of sticks and bits of grass, and force it to build a home of very different material as, for example, small beads or bits of broken glass or of almost any material placed within its reach. But it requires considerable skill to dos this. The ordinary Scout should be content for a time to make a collection of these curious stones homes.