
Edward George Boulenger, The Under-water World, Londres, Hodder and Stoughton. Circa 1925, p. 108-109.

Caddis-worms are well know to all who investigate the mysteries of the pond. They, the larvae of the Caddis-flies, are experts in the art of house construction and camouflage. The eggs of Caddis-flies are laid in the water or on vegetation overhanging. Once hatched, the young larvae commence to construct each a home for itself, a travelling house, sot hat they are free to move about in search of food and at the same time have protection from the many creatures lying in wait to secure such tender morsels. The larva makes its protective case of little bits of sticks, leaves, small, shells, gravels or sand, etc., according to the tradition of it species. The foudation of the case is a silken substance secreted by the larva and is tubular in shape; whatever other building material is selected is fastened to the putside of this tube. The case usually tapers slightly toward the hind end, which is more or less closed, the front end being left open to allow the larva to protrude its head and legs.