Frances Freeling Broderip, Tiny Tadpole and Others Tales, Londres, Griffith & Farran, 1862, p. 4.
« You are a sad spoiled child, Tiny Tadpole, » said a Caddis Worm. « You are much better off than some of yours neighbours. You are not obliged to be always building on to your house, for fear your neighbour, not friendly disposed, should take a nip off your soft tail. »
« I want to get rid of all this baby work, » said Tiny Tadpole, with great dignity. « I feel I am getting older, and I want to put on the cares and responsibilities of older years, and get out of this dull pond into the upper world. »
« Well », replied the Caddis Worrm, « you are not worse off than myself. I am waiting for my wings. But we must all have patience, and wait contentedly till we are wanted. I am very happy, meantime, in my little house. Look, what pretty little shells I have made it of. »
« Go along, with your shells and your wings », said the irritable Tadpole; « I am waiting for legs! »
Silly little Tadpole! instead of enjoying the bright sunshine, the tender green leaves, and cool shelter of his happy home, all his thoughts and hopes were fixed on his legs, which he nervously watched every day, and stretched to the utmost of his power. To his great joy, at last, by slow degrees, they grew, and grew, a little longer; and very proudly did he wave his flat tail, and sail along among the branching stems of the pretty white water-crowfoot and star-wort. At last, to his great joy, he found his little black arms begin to sprout- this was very delicious indeed- and his triumph was beyond everything.