Connected with the perfect forms

A. Lintner, « The insects and other animal forms of Caledonia Creek, N.Y. », Albany (N. Y.) Documents of the Assembly of the State of New York, vol. 6 n° 81-141, 1879, p. 76. 

The moses contained a large number of the cases of caddis-worms- Neuropterous insects of the family of Phryganidae. A reference to these cases and their occupant will be made here after.

So few of these insects have been reared from their larvae, that it is scarcely possible to identity a species from the examination of its case or its larva- not that they do not afford reliable specific features, but simply because these features have not been connected with the perfect forms. Had this been done, the caddis-case would, in all probability, indicate its imago as readily as does the cocoon its moth, or the gall its gall-fly.

The cases contained in the moss were apparently of only two forms. These, together with the larvae taken from them, were submitted to Dr. Hagen, of the Museum of Comparative Zoölogy, at Cambridge, Mass.- our highest authority in the Neuroptera.

One of these forms, composed of bits of wood and bark cemented together, and represented in fig. 7 of plate 5, was found by Dr. Hagen to belong to the Limnophilidae– a family comprising the two great genera of Limnophilus and Hallesus. The larva had not been seen by him before, and could, therefore, from its general characters, only be referrred with doubt to Hallesus.

The other form, consisting of small pieces of stone united in a somewhat flattened cylindrical case, was referred to the Sericostomidae, and might possibly be that of Dasystoma numerosum; but the larvae of these groups are so imperfectly know, that nothing definite could be affirmed of this case.