Mordecai Cubitt Cooke, Toilers in the sea, Londres, Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, 1889, p. 314-315 : Chapter X Tube-masons.
Chapter X Tube-masons
Those interesting insects, which are commonly know as Caddis-flies, make for themselves, when in the larval stage minute tubes or cases, of many kinds of material, agglutinated together into the form of a tube; sometimes it is chiefly of sand, or smalls fragments of shells, and sometimes of fragments of leaves , bark, or twigs.They are found in ponds, and slow-flowing canals, and the architects are larva insects of the order Trichoptera (1) Analogous to these fresh-water cases we have also builders of marine cases or tubes , not the construction of insects, but of annelids or worms. In the caddis a temporary home is constructed, for a temporary purpose, and then abandonned, but the marine masons built their habitations for life, and do not usually quit them till they die. Nevertheless, with all their differences, there is an evident analogy between the case-building caddis larvae of fresh waters, and the tube-masons..