As nearly as possible of the same color as his surroundings

John Phin, Industrial recipes ; a collection of useful, reliable, pratical recipes, rules, processes, methods, wrinkles and pratical hints, New York, Industrial Book Company, 1913, p. 173

But of all the insect inhabitants of the pond or tank, the caddis-worms is the most curious and wonderful. This curious insect builds a little house for itself, and carries it about on its back,- enlarging its dwelling as its body increases in bulk. These dwelling, or « cases » as they are called, are formed of sticks, stones, and other material, and are designed to affors protection to the animal while in its defenseless state. But it often happens that some trout or other voracious enemy comes along and swallows not only the poor cad, but his « castle » as well. As a still further protection, therefore, the caddis-worm endeavors to escape observation by forming his house as nearly as possible of the same color as his surroundings.