WS : general H



  • P. Hachet-Souplet, De l’animal à l’enfant, Paris, F. Alcan, 1913.
  • Per Hafslund, Miracles of nature, Londres, Evan Brothers, 1964. (0) Bouquiniste
  • Hermann August Hagen, Révision critique des Phryganides décrites par M. Rambur, Bruxelles, Aug. Schnée, 1860. G.B.
  • Hermann August Hagen, Synopsis of the Neuroptera of North AmericaSmithsonian Miscellaneous Collections, Washington, Smithsonian Institution, 1861. (0)
  • Hermann August Hagen, Bibliotheca entomologica, Die Litteraratur über das ganez gebiet der Entomologie bis zum jahre, Leipzig, 1862. B.M.H.N., Paris
  • Michel Haguenoer, World treasury of insects in Colour, New York, Galaha Books, 1975. (0) Bouquiniste
  • Brian Keith Hall, The origin and evolution of larva forms, San Diego, Academic Press, 1999. (0) B.M.H.N., Paris
  • Samuel Carter Hall, The Book of the Thames : from Its Rise to its Fall, Londres, J. S. Virtue & Company, 1859. M.B
  • William Henry Hall & Thomas Augustus LLyod, The New Royal Encyclopaedia or complete modern universal Dictionnary of Arts and Sciences, Londres, C. Cooke, 1795. (0) Library  Natural History Museum, Londres
  • Tim Halliday (Dir.), Animal Behaviour, University Press of Oklahoma Press, 1994  Creating a Home.  Hansell Michael H. G.B.
  • Edward Hamilton, The river-Side naturalist: notes on the various forms of life met with either in, on or by the water, or in its immediate vicinity, Londres, Sampson Low, Marston, Searle & Rivington, 1890. State Library of Victoria, Melbourne
  • John Hammerton (Dir.), Wonders of animal life, volume 1,Londres, The Amalgamated Press, 1930. (?)
  • Anton Handlirsch, Die fossilen insekten und die phylogenie der rezenten formen, Leipzig, W .Engelmann, 1908. B.M.H.N., Paris
  • Anton Handlirsch, Handbuch dez Zoologie, Insecta 2, Berlin & Leipzig, 1936. Institut de Zoologie, Varsovie
  • Mike Hansell, Animal architecture, Londres, Longman, 1984. B.M.H.N., Paris
  • Lennart Hansson & Lenore Fahrig, Mosaic Landscapes end ecological processes, Londres, Chapman & Hall,1995. G.B.
  • Andrea Friedrich HappeManuscrit et dessins, vol. VI, planche 13, 1773. N.H.M.L., Londres
  • Robert Hardouin, Le mimetisme animal, Paris, P.u.f., 1946. B.M.H.N., Paris
  • Alister Clavering Hardy, The living Stream: a restatement of évolution theory and its relation to the Spirit of Man, Londres, Collins, 1965. G.B.
  • Richard Harlan , Medical and physical researches: or Original memoirs in médicine surgery, Philadelphia, Lydia R. Bailey, 1835. G.B.
  • Errol E. Harris, The Foundations of Metaphysics in Science, Londres, Allen & Unwin, 1965. G.B.
  • Moses Harris, An exposition of english insects, Londres, Imprimé pour l’auteur,  1776. (0) B.M.H.N., Paris
  • Moses Harris, The Aurelian or natural history of english insects , Londres, Imprimé pour l’auteur, 1766. (0) B.M.H.N., Paris
  • Thaddeus William Harris, Entomological Correspondance, Boston, S.H. Scudler,1869. (0) B.M.H.N., Paris
  • John Harrison, Nature’s Secret WorldThe Hidden Mysteries of Plants and Animals, Londres, Marshall Cavendish, 1984. (?)
  • Eduard von Hartmann, Philosophie de l’inconscient:Tome I Phénoménologie de l’inconscient, Paris, Hachette, 1877. G.B.
  • Georg Hartwig, The Harmonies of Nature or the Unity of Creation, Londres, Longmans Green & Co., 1866. G.B.
  • H. Harvey, The Progressive Ages of the Triumphs of Science and Treasures of Nature, History and Literature, Chicago, J.A Ruth, 1881, p.77. Babel.hathitrust
  • Leonard Haseman, Elementary study of insects Missouri, Columbia (MS), Book Company, 1923. (0)
  • Baxter Hathaway & John Moore, The exposition of ideas, Boston, Heath & Company ,1948. G.B.
  • Berthold Hatschek, Lehrbuch der Zoologie, Iena, Gustav Fischer, 1888. (0)
  • F. M. Haworth, Aquaria, Natural Histories Series n°1, Ill. H.J. Venderplank, Londres, University of London Press, n.d. ( ?)
  • Gustav Hayek, Handbuch der Zoologie, vol. II, Vienne, Druck und Verlag, 1881. Bouquiniste
  • Ken Hayton, A queeen too many, Bath, Paragon Publishing, 2010. G.B.
  • Richard Headstrom, Adventures with insects, New York, Dover Publication, (1963), 1982. G.B.
  • Richard Headstrom, Natures in miniature, New YorkAlfred A. Knopf, 1968. (?)
  • Richard Headstrom, Adventures with a hand lens, New York, Courier Dover Publications, 1976. G.B.
  • John Pauli Hebenstreiti, De locustis immenso agmine aerem nostrum, Iena, impensis Salomonis Schmidii. Lieteris Krebsianis,  1693. (0) B.M.H.N., Paris
  • Robert William Hegner, An introduction to zoology, NewYork, The MacMillan, 1910. (0) State Library of Victoria, Melbourne
  • Robert William Hegner, Practical Zoology, New York, The MacMillan, 1915. (0)
  • O. Heinroth, Führer durch das aquarium nebst terrarium und insektarium im Zoologischen Garten Berlin, Leipzig & Berlin, J. J. Weber, 1929. B.M.H.N., Paris
  • A. Hellbach, Das Zimmer Aquarium und Seine, Nuremberg, Offenstadt & Felheimer, circa 1920. (0) Bouquiniste
  • Felix Hement, De l’instinct et de l’intelligence, Paris, Delagrave, 1880. (0)
  • Felix Hement, Les infiniments petits, Paris, Hachette, 1881. (0) Bouquiniste
  • Felix Hement, L’origine des êtres vivants, Paris, Nathan, 1882. (0) Bouquiniste
  • Felix Hement, Premières Notions d’Histoire Naturelle, Paris, Delagrave, 1899. (0) Bouquiniste
  • L. Félix Henneguy, Les insectes, Paris, Masson,1904. B.M., Lyon Part-Dieu
  • Carl Wilhelm Hennert, Ueber der Raupenfrass und Winbruch 1791-1794, Leipzig, 1798. (0) Bouquiniste
  • Victor Henrion, Les oiseaux et les insectes Causeries d’un instituteur avec ses éléves, ,Paris, Imprimerie et Librairie Classique de Paul Dupont, circa 1870. (0) Bouquiniste
  • Gustav A.O. Henschel, Leitfaden zur Bestimmung der Chädlichen Forst-und Obstbaum-insekten nebst Angabe der Lebensweise, Vorbauung und Vertilgung, Berlin, Wilhem Braumüller, 1876.
  • Gustav A.O. Henschel, Die Schädlichen Forst-und Obstbaum-Insekten ihre Lebensweise und Bekämpfung, Berlin, Von Paul Parey, 1895. archive .org
  • Hiram J. Herbert, Wonder-Workers of the insect world, Ill. R. Gartland, New York, Dutton & Cie., 1960. (0) Bouquiniste
  • Johann Friedriech Wilhelm Herbst, Naturliche abbildungen der Merkwurdigfeten Insecten nach ihren Geschlechtern, Ill. Friedrich Sotzmann, Berlin, Goottlieb August Lange, 1785. (?)
  • Johann Friedriech Wilhlem Herbst, Natursystem der Ungeflügelten insekten, Berlin, Bei G.A. lange, 1797-1800. (0) B.M.H.N., Paris
  • J. H. A. Herklots, Bouwstoffen voor eene fauna van Nederland, Leiden, E.J. Brill, 1851. (0)  Bayerische StaatsBibliothek digital
  • George F. Hervey & Jack Hems, The Book of the Garden Pond, Londres, Stanley Paul, 1958. (0) Bouquiniste
  • Richard Hertwig, Lehrbuch der Zoologie, Iena, Gustav Fischer, 1892. (0) B.M.H.N., Paris
  • Friedrich Wilhelm Hess, Bilder aus der Aquarium, Vol II Die wirbellosen thiere des Süsswassers, Hannovre, Carl Rumpler, 1878. B.M.H.N., Paris
  • Richard Hesse, Ecological Animal Geography, New York, John Wiley, 1937. (0)
  • Philippe Hettinger, Histoire Naturelle  Illustréee des animaux du monde, Paris, Librairie commerciale, 1907. Bouquiniste
  • E. Norman Hickin, Irish Nature, Dublin, 0’Brien Press, 1980. (0) N.H.M.L., Londres t
  • Oda Hidetomo, Insects and their HomesNature Close-Ups Series, Steck-Vaughn, 1986. (?)
  • R.W.G. Higinston, Instinct and Intelligence, New York, MacMillan, 1929. (?)
  • Bert Higler, Waterbeestjes in Beeld. (?)
  • William Hillcourt, The new field book of nature activities and hobbies, New York, A. Putman Nature Field Book, 1970. G.B.
  • John Hill, A General Natural History, Londres, Thomas Osborne, 1751. (0) B.M.H.N., Paris
  • John Hill, An History of Animal, Londres, Thomas Osborne, 1752.  G.B.
  • John Hill, The Book of Nature, Londres, C.G. Seyffert, 1758. B.M.H.N., Paris
  • John Hill, A decade of curious insect, Londres, Chez l’auteur, 1773. B.M.H.N., Paris
  • Matthew Davenport Hill & Wilfred Mark Webb, Eton Nature-Study and Observational Lessons, Londres, Duckworth & Co., 1904. (0)
  • R.W.G. Hingston, Problèmes de l’instinct et de l’intelligence chez les insectes, Paris, Payot, 1931.(0) B.M.H.N., Paris
  • Peter Hiscock, Creating a Natural Aquarium, Pond & Aquatics, SurreyInterpet Publishing, 2000.
  • Peter Hiscockpractical Guide to Creating and Maintaining Water Quality, Surrey, Interpet Publishing, 2000.
  • A.E. Hodge, Vivarium and Aquarium, Londres, H.F. & G. Witherby, 1924. (0) State Library of Victoria, Melbourne
  • A.E. Hodge, Garden Ponds and Pools, Their Construction, stocking and Maintenance, Londres, H.F. & G. Witherby, 1933. (0) Bouquiniste
  • Clifton F. Hodge, Nature Study and Life, Boston, Ginn & Co., 1902.
  • Siegfried Hoeher & Heiko Bellmann, Insekten im Kreislauf der Natur, MunichJ.F Lehmanns, 1976. (?)
  • Joss Hoffmann, Faune des Trichoptères du Grand-Duché de Luxembourg, tome XXXII, Luxembourg, 1966. (0) B. Musée de Zoologie, Strasbourg
  • Ernst Hofmann, Die schädlichen Insekten des Garten und Feldbaues, Esslingen, Verlag von J.F. Schreiber, 1881. (?)
  • Charles Frédérick Holder, Half Hours in the tiny world . Wonders of Insect Life, New York, Dodd Mead & Co,. n.d. (0)
  • Charles Frédérick Holder, Half hours with the lower animals: protozoans, sponges, corals, shell, insects, and custaceans, New York, American Book Company, 1905.
  • Charles Frédérick Holder & Joseph Bassett Holder, Elements of Zoology, New York, D. Appleton &Co., 1885.
  • William Jacob Holland, The butterfly book: a popular guide to a knowledge of the butterflies of Noth America, New York, Double Day, 1898. (0)
  • Oliver Wendell Holmes, The Poet at the Breakfast-Table, Boston, Houghton, 1872. G.B.
  • Samuel Jackson Holmes, The evolution of animal intelligence, New York, H. Holt & Company, 1911. (0)
  • Samuel Jackson Holmes, The elements of animal biology, Philadelphie, P. Blakiston’s Son & Co., 1919.
  • Louisa Parsons Hopkins, How Shall My Child be Taught ? Practical Pedagogy, Or The Science of Teaching Illustrated, Boston, Lee & Shepard, 1887.
  • Manley Hopkins, Hawaii : The Past, Present, and Future of its Island-Lingdom, Londres, Longmans, 1866, p. 515. G.B.
  • David-Heinrich Hoppe, Entomologischees taschenbuch für die anfänger und Liebhaber diesr wissenschaft 1796. (?)
  • Walther Horn & Sigmund Schenkling, Index litteraturae entomologicae, Serie I: Die welt-literatur über die gesamte, Entomologie bis inklusive 1863, Berlin, Deutsche Akademie der Landwirtschaftswissenschaften, 1928.  B.U. Strasbourg
  • Jillard W. Hort, French Exercises, Equally adapted to Domestic and to School Education, Londres, Longman, Hurst, 1822. G.B.
  • Jillard W. Hort, Key to the French exercices, Londres, Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, & Brown, 1822. G.B.
  • Rev. William Houghton, Country walks of a naturalist with his children, Londres, Groombridge, 1869. G.B.
  • Rev. William Houghton, Wonders near home, Londres, The Religious Tract Society, 1873. G.B.
  • Rev. William Houghton, Sketches of British Insects: a Handbook for Beginners in the Study of Entomology, London, Groombridge, 1888.
  • C. Houlbert, Les insectes, Paris, Librairie Gaston Doin, 1920. B. Musée de Zoologie, Strasbourg
  • Hourloup-Duval, Museo Pittoreso de Historia Natural, Paris, Aillaud, n.d. (0) Bouquiniste
  • Rev. Henry Housman, The story of our museum, Londres, Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, 1881.
  • Frédéric Houssay, Les industries des animaux, Paris, J.B. Baillière, 1889. B.U., Strasbourg
  • Leland Ossian Howard, The Insect Book; A Popular Account of the Bees, Wasps, Ants, Grasshoppers, Flies and Other North American Insects Exclusive of the  Butterflies, Moths and Beetles, with Full Life Histories, New York, Doubleday, Page & Company, 1901.
  • Leland Ossian Howard, Fichting the insects. The story of an entomologist, New-York, MacMillan, 1933. (0)
  • James Howell & Thomas Vaughan, A hermeticall banquet, drest by a Spagiricall Cook: for the better preservation of the Microcosme, Londres, Printed for Andrew Crooke, and are to be sold at the Green Dragon in S. Paul Church-yard, 1652(?)
  • William Howitt, The Country Year-Book, New York, Harpers & Brothers, 1850. (0)
  • Erich Hoyt & Ted Schultz, Insect lives, Stories of Mystery and Romance from a Hidden World, New-York, John Wiley & Sons, 1995. State Library of Victoria, Melbourne
  • Chanoine V.-A. Huard, Manuel théorique et pratique d’entomologie, 1927.(?)
  • Johann Hübner, Curious und reales Natur-Kunst-Berg- Gewerck-und Handllungs Lexicon, Leipzig, Gleditschen, 1722. (?)
  • G. V. Hudson, An Elementary Manual of New Zealand Entomology, Londres, West, Newman & Co., 1892. (0) State Library of Victoria, Melbourne.
  • W.H. Hudson, The Book of Naturalist, New York, George H. Doran, 1919. (0)
  • Arvid-David Hummel, Essais Entomologiques, Saint Petersbourg, Imprimerie de la Chancellerie privée du Ministère de l’Intérieur, 1822.
  • Henry Noel Humphreys, Insect changes: an illuminated present for youth:forming a first lesson in entomology, Londres, Grant & Griffith, 1848. (0) G.B.
  • Henry Noel Humphreys, Ocean  and River gardens, vol. 2 River gardens, Londres, Sampson Low, Sond & Co., 1857. N.H.M.L., Londres
  • Henry Noel Humphreys, The Butterfly Vivarium, Or Insect Home, London, William Lay, 1858. (0) G.B.
  • Jennett Humphreys, This is a fine book’s insect way’s, Londres, Blackie & Soons, 1887.(0) Bouquiniste
  • Jennett Humphreys, Insect Way on summer days, Londres, The Gresham Publishing Co., n.d. (0) Bouquiniste
  • Peter Hunnam, Tout l’aquarium, Paris, Bordas, 1982. (0) Bouquiniste
  • George Willliam Hunter & Herbert Eugene Walter, Biology,  the Story of Living Things, New York, American Book Company, 1937.
  • Rudolf Hunziker, Der Teich, Der Bauernhof und seine Lebensgemeinschaften, Zürich, Plüss, (1942) 1959. (0) Bouquiniste
  • Johannes Otto Hüsing, Die Metamorphose der Insekten, Die Neue Brehm Bucherei 62, Leipzig, Akademische Verlagsgesellschaft Geest & Portig, 1952. (?)
  • Johannes Otto Hüsing, Die Metamorphose der Insekten, Wittenberg, Ziemsen, 1963. (0)
  • Ross E. Hutchins, Strange insects and Their stories, New-York, Grosset & Dunlap, 1937. Bouquiniste
  • Ross E. Hutchins, Insects-Hunters and Trappers, Chicago, Rand MacNally & Company, 1957. (?)
  • Ross E. Hutchins, Insetti Cacciatori, Fratelli Fabbri Editori, 1961. (?)
  • Ross E. Hutchins, Insects, Ill. Stanley Wyatt, Prentice-Hall Series in Nature & Natural History, New Jersey, 1966. (?)
  • Ross E. Hutchins, Hop, Skim, and Fly, An Insect Book , New York, MacMillan, 1970. (?)
  • Alpheus Hyatt & Jennie Maria Sheldon, Insecta, Guides of Science-Teaching n° VIII,  Boston, D.C. Heath  & Co., 1890.
  • George Edward Hyde, British insects, Londres, A. & C. Black, 1952. (0) Bouquiniste
  • George Edward Hyde, All about Photographings insects with your camera, Londres, Focal Press, 1956. (?)
  • George Edward Hyde, Insects in Britain, Norwich, Jarrold Publishing, 1976. (?)
  • Clarence John Hylander, Insects on parade, New York, MacMillan, 1957. G.B.
  • Libbie Henrietta Hyman, A Laboratory Manual for Elementary Zoology, Chicago, The University of Chicago Press, 1919. (0)