Anonyme | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z |
- Thomas T. Macan, Freshwater Ecology, Londres, Longman, 1963. (0) B.M.H.N., Paris
- Thomas T. Macan, Biological Studies of the English Lakes, Londres, Harlow-Longman, 1970. (0) B.M.H.N., Paris
- Thomas T. Macan, The study of stoneflies, maiflies and caddis flies, Londres, The Amateur Entomologist Society, 1982.
- Thomas T. Macan & E.B. Worthington, Life in lakes and rivers, Londres, Collins, 1951. (0) B.M.H.N., Paris
- Joseph McCabe, The Evolution of Mind, Londres, Watts & Co., 1921.
- Patrick W. McCafferty, Aquatic Entomology. The Fishermern’s and Ecologist’s Illustrated Guide to Insects and Their Relatives, Boston (MA) Sciences Books International, 1981. Museum of Victoria, Melbourne
- Geraldine McCaughrean, The stones ara hatching, Oxford University Press, 2000. G.B.
- Strong James McClintock, Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological, and Ecclesiastical Literature, New York, Harper, 1880. G.B.
- Henry Christopher McCook, American spiders and their spinningwork : a natural history of the orbweaving spiders of the United States with spécial regard to their industry and habits, vol. I, Philadelphie, Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphie, 1889.
- Henry Christopher McCook, Tenants of an Old farm, Leaves From the Note-Book of a Naturalist, Londres, Hodder & Stoughton, 1893. (0)
- James Linsay MacCreery, Exploring the earth and its life, New York, Frederick A. Stokes. (0) N.H.M.L., Londres
- Junior MacDonald, Life in Fresh-Water, Londres, Reference Library, 1969. Bouquiniste
- Herbert Mace, A book about the bee, Londres, Hutchinson & Co., circa 1930. G.B.
- Allan A. MacFarlan, The boy’s book of outdoor discovery, New York, Galahad Books, 1974. G.B.
- David MacFarland, Dictionnaire du comportement animal, Paris, R. Laffont, 1990. B.M., Digne
- Inez N. McFee, Lives of Busy Neighbor, New York, Stoke, 1924.
- Charles Mackenzie, The Natural History of all the most remarkable Quadruped, Birds, Fishes, reptiles & Insects, Londres, John Reynold, circa1860. (0) G.B.
- Elisabeth MacClellan, Historic dress in America, 1607-1800, Philadelphie, George W. Jacobs & Co., 1904. G.B.
- Robert McLachlan, A monographic revision and synopsis of the Trichoptera of the European Fauna, Londres, John van Voorst, 1874-1880. (0) Collezione dei Tricotteri Italiani “G.P. Moretti”, Museo Universasitari, Perugia
- J. Macloc, A Natural History, Of all the most remarkables quadrupeds, birds, fishes, serpents, reptiles and insects, Londres, Dean & Munday, 1820. (0)
- Rev. Hugh McMillan, Lessons from life (animal and human) a compendium of moral teachings Illustrated by curious and interesting habits, relations, instincts, peculiarities, and ministries of livingcreatures, Londres, Elliot Stock, 1897. G.B.
- N.C. MacNamara, Instinct and Intelligence, Londres, Hodder & Stoughton, 1915. (0)
- K. MacPherson, The pond: a world in miniature, Melbourne, Linehan & Shrimpton, 1967. State Library of Victoria, Melbourne
- Justin Macquart, Facultés intérieures des animaux invertébrés, Lille, Imprimerie L. Danel, 1859. G.B.
- Franz Maidl, Die Lebensgewohneiten und instinkte der insekten, Vienne, F. Wagner, 1933-1934. (0) Bouquiniste
- Maurice Maindron, Le naturaliste amateur, Paris, Larousse, n.d. (?)
- Frederic William Maitland, The life and letters of Leslie Stephen, Londres, Duckworth, 1906. G.B.
- Peter S.Maitland, Biology of Freh waters, New York, Blackie & Son, 1978. (0) Bouquiniste
- Hans Malicky, Atlas of European Trichoptera, Kluwer, Academic Pub, 2005. (?)
- Charles Malo, Les Insectes, Paris, Louis Janet, circa 1820. (0) Bouquiniste
- André Manciot, Plantes, Pierres, Insectes, guide du collectionneur, Collection toute la nature, Paris, J. Susse, 1945. (0) B.M.H.N., Paris.
- Joseph Mandrillon, Mémoires pour servir à l’Histoire de la Révolution des Provinces-Unies sous l’étendard des divers stadhouders suivies des Anedoctes Modernes, tome second, Nimègue, 1788. G.B.
- Arthur Mangin, Nos ennemis et nos allié, Etudes Zoologiques, Tours, Alfred Mame, 1870. (0) Bouquiniste
- Michel Herbert Mann, Süsswasser- Salzwasser, Constance, Internatonaler, 1948. (0) Bouquiniste
- S.A. Manning, The Naturalist in South-East England: Kent, Surrey and Sussex, Londres, David & Charles, 1974. (0) Bouquiniste
- Gideon Algernon Mantell, The medals of creation or first lessons in Geology and in the Study of Organic Remains, vol. II, Londres, Henry G. Bohn, 1854. G.B.
- Gideon Algernon Mantell & Thomas Rupert Jones, The Wonders of geology or a familiar exposition of geological phenomena, Londres, Henry G. Bohn, 1857. G.B.
- Lucien Marceron, La photographie des insectes, Paris, Editions Prisma, 1952. (?)
- Randolph Barnes Marcy & Georges MacClellan, Exploration of the Red River of Louisiana in the year 1852, Washington, A.O.P. Nicholson, 1854. (0)
- Ramon Margalef, Limnologia, Barcelone, Ediciones Omega, 1993. Bibliothèque Udesc, Florianopolis, Brésil.
- Gervase Marlham, A Way to get Wealth: containing Six Principall Vocations, Or Callings, in which Evry Good Husband Or House-wife May Lawfully Imploy Themselves, Londres, John Strater pour Georg Sawbridge, 1668. G.B.
- Gervase Marham & William Lawson, A Way to Get Wealth, Containing Six Principall Vocations , Or Callings, Londres, John Streater, 1668. G.B.
- Jeannete Auguste Marks & Julia Moody, Little Busybodies: The Life of Crickets, Ants, Bees, Beetles and Other Busybodies, New York, Harper & Bros, 1909. G.B.
- Brian John Marples, An introduction to freshwater life in New Zealand, Christchurch, Whitcombe &Tombs, 1962. (0) Bouquiniste
- J.E. Marr & A.E. Shipley, Handbook to the Natural History of Cambridgeshre, Cambridge, University Press, 1904. (0)
- Arthur Milnes Marshall, Lectures on the Darwinian Theory, Londres, David Nutt, 1894. G.B.
- W. Marshall, Bilder-atlas zur Zoologie der Niederen Tiere, Leipzig, Bibliographisches Institut, 1927. Bouquiniste
- Andrée Martignon, Les bêtes chez elles, Paris, Stock, 1938. (0) Bouquiniste
- Beniamino Martin, Gramatica delle Scienze Filosofiche o breve analisi della Filosophia Moderna, Venise, Stamperia Remondina, 1760. G.B.
- F. Martin, Naturgeschichte für die Jugend beiderei Geschlechts, Stuttgart, Schmidt & Spring, 1880. (0) Bouquiniste
- Louis-Aimé Martin, De l’existence de Dieu démontrée par les merveilles de la nature, Avignon, Bousquet Offray, 1827. (0) Bouquiniste
- Maxime Martin, Causeries sur l’Histoire Naturelle, Rouen, Megard & Cie., 1875. (0) Bouquiniste
- Philippe, Léopold Martin, Die praxis der Naturgeschichte, Weimar, Bernhard Friedrich Voigt, 1898. (0) Bouquiniste
- Philippe, Léopold Martin, Ilustrirte Naturgeschichte der Thiere, Leipzig, Brokhaus, 1882-1884. B.M.H.N., Paris
- René Martin, Histoire naturelle de la France, 9 bis, Pseudonévroptères et névroptères, Paris, E. Deyrolle, 1882. (0) B.M.H.N., Paris
- Michel Martinez, Classer et collectionner les insectes, Paris, Solarama, 1983. (0) Bouquiniste
- William Frederick Martyn, A new dictionnary of Natural History or compleat universal display of animated nature, Londres, Harrison & Co., circa 1785. B.M.H.N., Paris
- A.V. Martynov, Trichoptères de l’expédition scientifique d’Olonetz (1921-1923), Leningrad, Gosudarstvennyj Gidrologiceskij Institut, 1928. (0) B.M.H.N., Paris
- Ludovic Massé & Sylvain Massé, Lam, La truite, Perpignan, Pergami, (1938), 1989. B.M., Argelés sur Mer
- Frances Mason, The Great design: order and progress in nature, New York, The MacMillan, 1934. G.B.
- Luigi Masutti & Sergio Zangheri, Entomologia Generale e Applicata, Milan, Cedam, 2001. B. Salaborsa, Bologne
- Cotton Mather (voir Solberg), The Christian Philospher, Londres, E. Mathews, 1721. British Library, Londres
- S. Matsumura, 6000 Illustrated Insects of Japan Empire, Tokoshoin, Tokyo, 1931. (?)
- S. Matsumura, Illustrated Common Insects of Japan, vol. V, Neuroptera, Orthoptera, Odonata. Shunyodo, Tokyo, 1933. (?)
- Samuel Maunder, The Treasury of Natural History or a Popular Dictionary of Animated Nature, Londres, Longmans, Brown, Greens, 1858. State Library of Victoria, Melbourne
- L. Maurice, Histoire Naturelle, simples éléments, Paris, Chez Philippart Libraire, 1850. (0) gallica.bnf
- William Fordyce Mavor, The elements of Natural History for the use of schools, Londres, Printed for Richard Philips, 1802. (0) N.H.M.L., Londres
- William Fordyce Mavor, Elements of Natural History, in The Animal Kingdom Chiefly Intented fot the Use of Schools and Young Persons, Londres, Longman, Rees, Orme, 1833. (0)
- H. Maxwell- Lefroy & F.M. Howlett, Indian Insect Life, A Manual of the Insects of Plains, Londres, W.Thacker & Co., 1909. (0) Bouquiniste
- H. Maxwell- Lefroy & F.M. Howlett, Indian Insect Life, New Dehli, Today & Tomorrow’s, Printers & Publishers, 1971. (?)
- William Hamilton Maxwell, The Field Book or Sports and pastimes of the United Kingdom, Londres, Bradbury & Evans, 1833. G.B.
- C.J. Maynard, The Naturalist Guide in collecting and preserving objects of Natural History, Boston, Cupples & Hurd, 1887. (0)
- Alberto Mazi (Dir.), Les animaux autour de nous, La nature et la vie, Paris, Robert Laffont, 1971. (0) Bouquiniste
- Johann Wilhelm Meigen, Abbildung der Europäischen Zweiflügeligen Insecten nach der Natur (1790-1832), Manuscrits. (0) B.M.H.N., Paris
- Ida May Mellen, 1001 Questions Answered about your aquarium. Toy Fishes –Fresh, Brackish and Salt Water. Also your garden pool and terrarium, Londres, George G. Harrap, (1936), 1951. (?)
- Nicholas B. Melville, Among British Wild Animals of Woodlands, Field, and Stream, Londres, Methuen, 1938. (0) Bouquiniste
- Ernest Menault, L’intelligence des animaux, Bibliothèque des Merveilles, Paris, Hachette, 1868. (0)
- Cecilia Menjivar, Ecology of Fresh Waters, Blackwell Sciences, 1989. (?)
- Maria Sibylla Merian, Histoire des insectes d’europe dessinée d’après nature, Amsterdam, chez Jean Frédéric Bernard, 1730. (0) B.M. Lyon Part-Dieu
- Vivianne Mermod-Gasser, La vie fascinante des insectes, Lausanne,Maria Monod, 1982. L.D.B.
- Richard W Merritt & Kenneth W. Cummins, An introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America, Dubuque (IA) Kendall & Hunt Publishing Company, 1978. National Museum of Victoria, Melbourne
- Francis S. Merton, Handbook to the Aquarium, Londres, 1856 (0) British Library, Londres
- Roberto Messori, Guide Entomologiche Effimere, Tricotteri, Plecotteri, Formigine Mo., Edizioni Flyline Ecosisteme Fluviale, 2006. Bouquiniste.
- Stanislas Meunier, La géologie biologique, Paris, Félix Alcan, 1914. G.B.
- Victor Meunier , Les animaux travailleurs Bibliothèque scientifique des Ecoles et des Familles, Paris, H. Gauthier, s.d. gallica.bnf
- Franz Julius Ferdinand Meyen, Wilhem Erichson & Hermann Burmeister, Beiträge zur zoologie, Breslau, Weber, 1834. (0) Bouquiniste
- Meyer, Die Ortsbewegung der Thiere, Hambourg, Verlag Druckerei, 1890. (0) Bouquiniste
- Erich Meyer & Karl Zimmermann, Lebenskunde, Band 2, Erfurt, Kurt Stenger, 1940. (0) Bouquiniste
- Ernest Louis Meyer, Making light of the Times, Madison, (WI), Capital Times Publishing, 1928. G.B.
- L. C. Miall, The Natural History of Aquatics Insects, Londres, MacMillan, 1895. B.M.H.N., Paris
- Robert Michel, Geschichten von Insekten, Berlin, Fischer, 1911. (0)
- Jules Michelet, L’Insecte, Paris, Hachette, 1859. (0) L.D.B.
- Guy Miege, Short french dictionnay, Amsterdam & Leipzig, Arkestee & Merkus, 1750. G.B.
- Abbé Migne, Dictionnaire de Zoologie ou Histoire Naturelle des quatre grands embranchements du régne animal. Première partie Histoire naturelle des animaux invertébrés, Ill. L.-F. Jéhan, Paris, J.-P. Migne Editeur, 1852. G.B.
- Henry Downes Miles, The Book Field sports containing a complete system of the Veterinary Art, Londres, Henry Doxnes, 1862. G.B.
- George Henry Millar, A New Complete, and Universal Body, or System of Natural History, Londres, printed for Alex Hogg, circa 1785. (0) Natural History Museum Library, Londres
- Mary Rogers Miller, The Brook Book, A First Acquaintance With The Brook And Its Inhabitants Through The Changing Year, Londres, W.M. Heineman, 1903.
- Olive Thorne Miller, Little Folks in Feathers and Fur, and Others in Neither, New York, E.P. Dutton, 1880.
- Thomas Miller, The country year book. Descriptive of the seasons, Rural Scenes and rustic amusements, Londres, Chapman & Hall, 1847. G.B.
- Thomas Miller, The Boy’s summer book. Descriptive of the season scenery, rural life and country amusements, New York, Harper & Brothers, 1847. G.B.
- Thomas Miller, The Gallery of Nature or Wonders of the Earth and the Heaves, vol. I, Boston, Caleb Wright, 1857. G.B.
- Thomas Miller, The Year-Book of country life, descriptive of English scenary indications , Houlston & Stoneman, 1859. G.B.
- Thomas Miller, English country life consisting of Descriptions of Rural Habits, Country Scenery and the Seasons, Londres, Routledge, Warnes, 1859. G.B.
- F. Z. S. Milligan, A handbook to the fresh water and aquaria and vivaria, Londres, The Horniman Museum and Library, Forrest Hill, London County Coucil. 1924. N.H.M.L., Londres
- Aubin Louis Millin, Elémens d’histoire naturelle, Paris, Agasse, 1797. B.I. Médecine, Montpellier
- Alphonse Milne-Edwards, Résumé d’entomologie ou d’histoire naturelle des animaux, Insectes, vol. 2, Jean Victor Audoin, Paris, 1829. B.M.H.N., Paris
- Alphonse Milne-Edwards, Elements de Zoologie, Paris, Masson, 1834. B.I. Médecine, Montpellier
- Alphonse Milne-Edwards, Précis d’histoire naturelle, Paris, Masson, 1882. (0) Bouquiniste
- Lorus Johnson Milne & Margery Joan Greene, The secret life of animals : pioneering discoveries in animal behaviour, New York, E.P. Dutton, 1975. G.B.
- Thomas Milner, The Gallery of Nature : a Pictorial and Descriptive Tour Through Creation, Londres, Wm. S. Orr & Co, 1848. G.B.
- Henri Miot, Les insectes auxiliaires et les insectes utiles, Paris, E. Aubert, 1870. gallica.bnf
- James Mitchell, The Illustrated reference Books of Animals, Londres, Windward, 1982. N.H.M.L., Londres
- Mrs Mitford, Sunday talk on Natural History, Londres, Darton & Co., 1849. (0)
- St George Jakson Mivart, Lessons from nature, as manifested in mind and matter, Londres, J.Murray, 1876. (0)
- Thomas Moffet, Insectorum sive minimorum animalium Theatrum – olim ab Edoardo Wottono, Conrado Gesnero, Thomaque Pennio inchoatum: tandem Tho. Movfeti Londinâtis operâ sumptibusq ; maximis concinnatum, auctum, perfectum: et ad vivum expressis iconibus suprà quingentis illustratum, Londres, Ex officina typographica T. Cotes 1634. B.M.H.N., Paris
- Edwin Möhn, Der Grosse Natur- und Landschatsführer, Manheim, Mair, 1979. Bouquiniste
- James Monteith, Popular Science reader containing: Lessons and Selections in Natural Philosophy, Botany and Natural History, New York, American Book Company, 1881. (0)
- John Monteith, Living creatures of Water, Land, and Air, New York, American Book Company, 1888. (0)
- Sy Montgomery, The wild out your window: exploring nature neat at hand, East Peoria (IL), Versa Press, 2002. G.B.
- Louis Montillot, L’amateur d’insectes, Paris, Baillière, 1890. (0) Bouquiniste
- M. C. de Montmahou, La vie et les moeurs des insectes, Extraits des Mémoires de Réaumur,Paris, Delagrave, 1880. B.M.H.N., Paris
- Thomas Sturge Moore, Altdorfer, Londres, At the Sign of the Unicorn, 1900.
- M. Morakoshi, Japanese Insects, Shusei konchu zukan, Tokyo, Kono Shoten, 1931. (0) Bouquiniste
- B. D. Moreton, Guide to British Insects, Londres, MacMillan, 1950. L.D.B.
- Giampaolo Moretti, Grande Enciclopedia Illustrata degli Animali, Milan, Montadori, 1980-82. Collezione dei Tricotteri Italiani “G.P. Moretti”, Museo Universasitari, Perugia
- Giampaolo Moretti, Tricotteri (Trichoptera), Verone, Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, 1983. L.D.B.
- M. Morin, Insectes, Reptile, Poisson, Paris, Librairie d’Education, Amble Rigaud, 1879. (0) Bouquiniste
- Lloyd C. Morgan, Animal Life and Intelligence, Londres, Edward Arnold, 1891. (0)
- Lloyd C. Morgan, Animal behaviour, Londres, Edward Arnold, 1900. (0)
- Margaret Warner Morley, A song of Life, Chicago, McClurg, (1891), 2008. G.B.
- Brian Morris, Insects and human life, New York, Berg, 2004. (0) G.B.
- Robert Tuttle Morris, Hopkin’s Pond and other Sketches, New York, Putnam G.P., 1896. G.B.
- Edward Sylvestre Morse, Japan day by day, vol. 2, Boston, Houghton Mufflin, 1917.
- Edward Sylvestre Morse, First Book of Zoology, New York, D. Appleton & Co., 1875.
- John Morton, The Natural History of Northamptonshire, Londres, R. Knaplock, 1712. G.B.
- Vernon S.Morwood, Wonderful Animals: Working, Domestic and Wild, Their structure, Habits, Homes and Uses, Londres, John Hogg, 1883.
- Harris Moses, An exposition of english insects, Londres, imprimé pour l’auteur, 1776. (0) B.M.H.N., Paris
- Harris Moses, The Aurelian or Natural History of english insects, Londres, imprimé pour l’auteur, 1766-1768. (0) B.M.H.N., Paris
- Thomas Moufet, Insectorum sive Minimorum Animalium Theatrum olim ab Edooardo Wottono, Conrado Gesner, Londres, Th. Cotes, 1634. Library Royal Society, Londres
- Thomas Moult, Mary Webb: her life and work, Londres, Jonathan Cape, 1935. G.B.
- Eugène Mouton, Les vertus et les grâces des bêtes, Zoologie Morale, Tours, Mame, 1895. (0) Bouquiniste
- Walter Moxon, Pilocereus Senilis and Other Papers, Londres, Sampson Low, Marston, Searle, & Rivington, 1887.
- Thomas Mozley, Reminiscences, Chiefly of Towns, Villages and Schools, vol. I, Londres, Longmans Green, 1885.
- Robert Mudie, The British Naturalist, Londres, Whittaker Treacher & Arnot, 1830.
- Robert Mudie, First Lines of Zoology by question and answer for the use of the Young, Londres, Whittaker Treacher, 1831. (0)
- Robert Mudie, A Popular Guide to the Observation of Nature, New York, Harper & Brothers, 1836. (0)
- Robert Mudie, Spring, Londres, Thomas Ward & Co., 1837. (0) Bouquiniste
- Ludwig Mueller, Aquarium,Belehrung und Anleitung solche anzvlegen und zu unterhalten, Leipzig, 1856. British Library, Londres
- John Muir, The Mountain of California, New York, The Century Co.,1894. (0) archive. org
- Blaise Mulhauser, Guide de la faune et de la flore dans les lacs et les étangs d’Europe, Paris, Delachaux & Niestlé, 1993. B.M.H.N., Paris.
- Blaise Mulhauser & Georges Monnier, Guide de la faune et de la flore des lacs et des étangs d’Europe, Paris, Delachaux et Niestlé, 1995. B.M., Digne.
- Otto Fridericus Müller, Vermium terrestrium et fluviatilium, Leipzig, Havniac, 1773-74. (0) B.M. Montpellier
- Otto Fridericus Müller, Entomostraca seu Insecta testacae, Leipzig, Havniac- Sumtibus J.G. Mülleriani,1785. (0) B.M.H.N., Paris
- Martial Étienne Mulsant, Lettres a Julie sur l’entomologie : suivies d’une description méthodique de la plus grande partie des insectes de France, Lyon, Louis Babeuf, 1830. (0) B.M.H.N., Paris
- Mary E. Murtfeld & Clarence Moores Weed, Outlines of Entomology, Jefferson, Tribune Printing Company, 1891.
- Mary E. Murtfeld & Clarence Moores Weed, Stories of insect life, Second serie Summer and Autumn, Boston, Ginn & Company, 1899. (0)