Anonyme | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z |
- Klaus Kabisch & Joachim Hemmerling, Oasen in unserer Landschaft Tümpel, teiche und Weiher, Hannovre, Landbuch, 1982. (?)
- Johann Heinrich Kaltenbach, Die Pflanzenfeinde aus der klasse der Insekten, Stuttgart, Julius Hoffmann, 1874. (0) Bouquiniste
- Paul Kammerer, Das Terrarium und Insektarium, Liepzig, Thomas, 1912. (0) Bouquiniste
- Anton Ferdinand Franz Karsch, Die Insektenwelt. Ein Taschenbuch zu entomologischen Exkursionen für Lehrer und Lernende, Leipzig, Otto Lenz, 1883.
- Tamiji Kawamura, Nihon Tansui Seibutsugaku (Japanese Freshwater Biology), Tokyo, Shokabo, 1918 (?)
- John William Kaye, Doveton, or, the man of many impulse, Londres, Smith Elder & Co., 1837.
- R. Kearton, Wild Life at Home, Londres, Cassell & Co., 1901. (0)
- R. Kearton, Wild Nature’s Ways, Londres, Cassell & Co., 1904. (0) Bouquiniste
- Kearton, L’art de surprendre et de photographier les oiseaux et les insectes, J. Dumoulin, 1906. (?)
- R. & C. Kearton, La vie des oiseaux et des insectes surprise par la photographie, Paris, Pierre Roger, n.d. (0) Bouquiniste
- Adolph Keferstein, Ueber den unmittelbaren Nutzen der Insekten, Erfurt, In deer Maring’schen Buchhandlung, 1827.
- Otto Keller, Die antike Tierwelt, Leipzig, W.Engelmann, 1909-1913. (0) B.M.H.N., Paris
- Vernon Lyman Kellogg, Elementary Zoology, New York, H. Holt & Co., 1901. (0)
- Vernon Lyman Kellogg, Insect Stories, New York, H. Holt & Co., 1908. (0) Bouquiniste
- Vernon Lyman Kellogg & Rennie Wilbur Voane, Economic Zoology and Entomology, New York, H. Holt & Co., 1915. (0)
- Edward Augustus Kendal, Pocket Encyclopedia or a Dictionary of Arts, Sciences and Polite Literature, vol. IV, Londres, Longman, Hurst, Res, Orme & Co., 1811. G.B.
- Joseph F. Kennedy & Catherine Wanek & Michael G. Smith, The Art of Natural Building : design, construction, resources, New Society Pub., 2002. G.B.
- Julie Closson Kenly, Little Lives, The Story of the world of insects, Ill. Edna Reindel, D. Appleton Century Company, 1938. (0) Bouquiniste
- G. B. Kerverziou, Levr an Amprevaned, Brest, Skridou Breizh, 1932. G.B.
- Harry Wallis Kew & Alfred Russel Wallace, The Dispersal of Shells : An Inquiry Into the Means of Dispersal Possessed by Freshwater and Land Mollusca, Londres, Keagan Paul Trench Trubner & Co., 1893. G.B.
- Ibn Khallikan’s , Biographical Dictionnary, vol. IV, traduction par Mac Guckin de Slane, Paris, Oriental Translation Fund of Great Britain and Ireland. 1871, p. 374. G.B.
- Frederik Christian Kielsen, Indicem Systematicum : Icones Vermium, Copenhague, Christian Steen, 1835. (0)
- Frederik Christian Kielsen, Indicem Systematicum Icones Piscium, Copenhague, Christian Steen, 1835. (0)
- Frederik Christian Kielsen, Indicem Systematicum Icones Insectorum, Copenhague , Christian Steen, 1835. (?)
- Helmuth von Kiesenwetter & Theodor Reibisch, Der Naturaliensammler, Leipzig & Berlin, Otto Spamer, 1881. (0)
- John Sterling Kingsley, The Naturalist Assistant: a handbook for the collector and student, Boston, S.E. Cassino,1882. (0)
- John Sterling Kingsley, The Standard Natural History, vol. 2, Crustacea and insects, Boston, S.E. Cassino, 1886.
- John Sterling Kingsley, The Riverside Natural History, New York & Boston, Houghton Mifflin & Co.,1888. (?)
- Rudyard Kipling, Verses 1889-1896, Londres, Doubleday, 1919. G.B.
- Egmont W. Kirby, Insects: Foes and Friends, Londres, S.W. Partridge & Co., 1898. (0) Bouquiniste
- William Forsell Kirby, Elementary Text-Book of Entomology, Londres, Swan Sonnenschen, 1855. B.M.H.N., Paris
- William Kirby & William Spence, An introduction to Entomology or Elements of the NaturaL History of Insects, vol. I, Londres, Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme & Brown, 1818.
- William Kirby & William Spence, An Introduction to Entomology or, Elements of Natural History of Insects, vol. I, Londres, Longman, Hurst, Rees Orme & Brown,1822. (0) G.B.
- William Kirby & William Spence, An Introduction to Entomology or, Elements of Natural History of Insects, Londres, Longman, Green, Longman & Roberts, 1859. Inra Montpellier
- Athanasius Kircher, Mundi subterranei: Tomus IIus in V. libros digestus, quibus Mundi Subterranei fructus exponuntur, et quidquid tandem rarum, insolitum, et portentosum in foecundo Naturae utero continetur, ante oculos ponitur curiosi Lectoris, Amsteram, Officina Janssonio-Waesbergiana, 1678. G.B.
- Oskar von Kirchner, Blumen und Insekten, Leipzig & Berlin, Teubner, 1911. (0)
- R. Kirkpatrick, The biology of waterworks, Londres, Museum Natural History, 1924. (0) B.M.H.N., Paris
- Fred Kitchen & Clifford W. Greatorex, What the countryman wants to know, Answers to Every day Questions in Natural History, Londres, Victor Gollancz, 1948. N.H.M.L., Londres
- John Kitto, A Cyclopedia of Biblical Literature, vol. II, New York, Mark H. Newman, 1846. G.B.
- O. Klasing, Das buch der Sammlungen, Bielefeld & Leipzig, Velhagen & Klasing, 1883. Bouquiniste
- Bernhard Klausnitzer, Insects, New York, Universe Books, 1987. State Library of Victoria, Melbourne
- Richard Kleine, Unsere Heimeschen Schmetterlinge, Leipzig, Theod. Thomas, 1910. (?)
- Alexander B. Klots & Elsie B. Klots, Knaurs Tierreich in Farben: Insekten, Munich, Droemer Knaur, 1959. (0) Bouquiniste
- Alexander B. Klots & Elsie B. Klots, Les Insectes vivants du monde, Paris, Hachette, 1963. B.M.H.N., Paris
- Alexander B. Klots & Elsie B. Klots, 1001 Questions Answered About Insects, New York, Dood, Mead, 1961. (?)
- Alexander B. Klots & Elsie B. Klots, 1001 Questions Answered About Insects, New York, Dover Publications Mineola, 1977. (?)
- Fr. Klug, Entomologische Monographien, Berlin, G. Reimer, 1824. (0) B.M.H.N., Paris
- F. Kluge F & F. Lutz, English Entomology, Strasbourg, Karl J. Trubner,1898. (0)
- Karl Benjamin Klunzinger, Upper Egypt : Its People and Its Products, New York, Scribner, Armstrong & Company, 1878. G.B.
- John Leonard Knapp, The journal of naturalist, Londres, John Murray, 1838. (0)
- Rudolf Kner, Lehrbuch der Zoologie, Vienne, 1855. G.B.
- Charles Knight, The Pictorial Museum of Animated Nature. vol II Birds, Reptiles, Mollusca, Insects, Londres, G. Cox, circa 1845.
- John Alden Knight, The Theory and Technique of Fresh Water, New York, Harcourt, Brace & Company, 1940. (0) Bouquiniste
- August-Wilhelm Knoch, Beitrage zur insektengeschichte, Leipzig, Schwicker, 1782-83. (0) B.M.H.N., Paris
- August-Wilhelm Knoch, Neue Beiträge zur insectenhunde, Leipzig, Schwickert, 1801. (0) B.M., Lyon Part-Dieu
- Karl Knortz & Wilhelm Medikus, Die insekten in Sage, sitte Und Literatur/ Das Thierreich Im Volksmunde. Eine Humoristische Naturgeschichte/ die Niedere Thierwelt Im Dichter-und Volksmunde, Leipzig, Graser S.,1880. (?)
- Robert Knox & Charles Bell, A manual of artistic anatomy: For the Use of Sculptors, Painters, and Amateurs, Londres, H. Renshaw,1985. G.B.
- W. Kobelt, Die Verbreitung der Tierwelt, Leipzig, Tauchnitz, 1902. (0) Bouquiniste
- Manfred Koch, Präparation von Insekten, Radebeul & Berlin, Neumann, 1956. (?)
- Marijo Koch, Pond lake river sea, San Francisco, Collins Publishers, 1994. (0) Bouquiniste
- Rudolf Koch, Bestimmungstabellen der Insekten an Fichte und Tanne nach den Frassbeschädigungen, Berlin, P. Pare, 1928. (?)
- Arthur Koestler, The act of creation, Londres, Hutchinson, 1964. G.B.
- C. F. A. Kolb, Naturgeschichte Für Die Jugend beiderlei geschlechts, Stuttgart, Schmidt und Springs, 1880. (?)
- H. J. Kolbe, Einführung in die Kenntniss der Insekten, Berlin, Ferd. Dümmlers Verlagsbuchhandlung, 1893. (0) B.M.H.N., Paris
- H. J. Kolbe, Insektenkunde, Berlin, Ferd. Dümmlars, 1893. (0) Bouquiniste
- H. Kolber & M. Rostock, Neuroptera Germanica, die Netzflügler Deutschlands, Zwickau, Bär, 1888. (0) B. Musée de Zoologie, Strasbourg
- Frederico Antonio Kolenati, Genera et species Trichopterorum, Aequipalpidae, Heteropalpoidea, Prague 1848 (0) Institut de Zoologie, Varsovie
- Frederico Antonio Kolenati, Meletemata entomologica,fasci 5 Imperialis Academiae Scientiarium. Petropoli. B.M.H.N., Paris
- V. Kollar, Bildliche Naturgeschichte Aller Drei Reiche, Pest & Vienne, C.A Hartleben, 1853. N.H.M.L., Londres
- Ernst-Michaell Kranich, L’animal. Approche d’une zoologie goethéenne, Paris, Triades, 2006. (0) Médiathéque Ceccano, Avignon
- Fritz Kriete & Otto Rabes, Aus dem leben der insekten, Kinderraugen in er natur heft 6, Halle, Hermann Gesenius, 1911. (0) Bouquiniste
- H.J. Kuijper & H. van de Noort, Handboek voor Aquarium en Terrarium Kunde, Amsterdam, 1935. (0) Bouquiniste