WS : general P



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  • David Page, Handbook of geological terms, geology and physical geography, Edimbourg, Wiliam Blackwood,1865. G.B.
  • Peter Simon Pallas, Spicilegia Zoologica, Berlin, Gottl. August. Lange, 1772. B.M., Nîmes f
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  • Henry Panneel, Le collectionneur d’insectes, Paris, Vigot Fréres, 1944. B.M.H.N., Paris
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  • Bertha Parker, Insects and their ways, Ill. Newhall Elizabeth, New-York, Harper, 1941. (0) Bouquiniste
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  • Charles Frederick Partington, The British Cyclopaedia, Londres, Orr & Smith, 1834. N.H.M.L., Londres
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  • Frederic B. Perkins, Scrope, Or the lost Library A Novel of New York and Hartford, Boston, Roberts, 1874.
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  • Jean Piveteau, Traité de paléontologie, Paris, Masson, 1952-1969. B.M.H.N., Paris
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