Anonyme | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z |
- Nicolas Wade, The Sciences Times, Book of Insects, New-York, The Lyons Press, 1998. (0) State Library of Victoria, Melbourne.
- Auguste Wahlen, Nouveau Dictionnaire de la conversation, Bruxelles, Librairie Historique Artistique,1843. G.B.
- Priscilla Wakefield, An Introduction to the Natural History and classification of Insects : in a series of familiar Letters, &c., Londres, Harvey & Darton, 1816. N.H.M.L., Londres.
- Charles-Athanase Walckenaer, Faune parisienne, insectes. Ou Histoire abrégée des insecetes des environs de Paris, classés d’après le systême de Fabricius; précédée d’un discours sur les insectes en général, pour servir d’introduction à l’étude de l’entomologie, Paris, Dentu, 1802. B.M.H.N.,Paris
- Gilbert Waldbauer, Insects through the seasons, Cambridge (MA), Havard University Press, 1996. B.M.H.N.,Paris
- Am Waldrand, Naturkundliches Bilderbuch, Franckfort, Moritz Diesterweg, 1929.
- Annette Walker, Common Insects 2, Insects of the Bush and Fresh Water, Wellington, A.H. & A.W. Reed, 1984.
- Alfred Russell Wallace, Darwinisme, An Exposition of the Theory of Natural Selection with some of its applications, New York, Cosino, 2007. G.B.
- H. D. J. Wallengren, Skandinaviens Neuroptera beskrifne, Andra Afdelingen, Neuroptera Trichoptera (Phryganea L.), Stockholm, 1891. (0) Bouquiniste
- Cliff Waller, Nature Guide to the Lake district, Londres, Usborne, 1981. (0) N.H.M.L., Londres
- John Henry Walsh , Manual of British Rural Sports, Londres, G. Routledge, 1856. G.B.
- Jerry G. Walls, Invertébrés dans l’aquarium, New Jersey, T.F.H., 1980. (0) B.M.H.N.,Paris
- Wandelaincourt, Cours abrégé d’histoire naturelle, Verdun, chez Mondon,1778. (0) B.M.H.N., Paris
- Francis Ward, Some nature Biographies, Plant, Insect, Marine, Mineral, Londres, John Lane, 1908. (0)
- Francis Ward, Marvels of Fish Life as Revealed by the Camera, Londres, Casell & Company, ,,1911. (0) Bouquiniste
- Francis Ward, Insect biographies with pen and camera, New York, Frederick A. Stokes, 1914. (0)
- J. V. Ward, Aquatic Insects Ecology. Chichester, New-York, John Willey,1992. B.M.H.N., Paris
- Stephen Henry Ward, The Natural History of Mankind, Londres, Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, 1849. G.B.
- James Ward, Psychological Principles, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1918. G.B.
- Anna B. Warner, Cross Corners, Boston, De Wolfe & Fiske, 1887, p.350. Babel.hathitrust
- Carleton Wolsey Washburne, The World’s Good Education for World-Mindedness, New York, J. Day, 1954. G.B.
- Eric Wasmann, Instinct and Intelligence in the Animal Kingdom, St Louis, (MO), B. Herder, 1903. (0)
- Charles Owen Waterhouse, Guide to the Exhibited Series of Insects in the Department of Zoology, Londres, British Museum, 1909.
- Charles Owen Waterhouse, Aid to the identification of insects, vol. I, Londres, E.W. Janson, 1880-90. (0)
- Austin F. Watson, Fishponds and home aquaria, Londres, Collingridege, 1948. (0) Bouquiniste
- Grant E. L. Watson, Enigmas of natural History, Ill. Barbara Greg, Londres, The Cresset Press, circa 1940. (0)
- Grant E. L. Watson, Wonders of Natural History, Londres, Pleïades Books, 1947. (0) Bouquiniste
- Hermann Weber, Grundriss der Insektenkunde, Iéna, G. Fisher, 1949. (0) B.M.H.N., Paris
- J. Watson, The English Lake District Fisheries, Londres, G. Routeledge, 1899. (0) Bouquiniste
- John Watson & Blanche Winder, Woodlanders and Field Folk: Sketches of wild life in Britain, Londres, T. Fisher Unwin, 1911.
- Wilfred Mark Webb, The Heritage of dress, Being notes on the history and evolution of clothes, Londres, E. Grant Richards, 1907.
- Clarence Moores Weed, Life histories of American Insects, New-York, The MacMillan Company, 1897. (0) B.M.H.N., Paris
- Clarence Moores Weed, Stories of Insect Life, Boston, Ginn & Company, 1900. (0)
- Clarence Moores Weed, The Insect World, New York, Appleton, 1899.
- Clarence Moores Weed, Nature biographies: the lives of some every-day butterflies, moth, grasshoppers and flie, Londres, W.M. Heinemann, 1903. (0)
- Herbert George Wells, The Fate of man: an unemotional statement of the thing that are happening to him now, and of the immediate possibilities confronting him, New York, Longmans, Green & Co., 1939. G.B.
- H. G. Wells & A.M. Davies, Texbook of Zoology, Londres, University Tutorial Press, 1916. (0)
- Laurence A. Welles, Aquariums and fish ponds, Londres, Frederick Warme, 1936. (0) Bouquiniste
- C. Wesenberg-Lund, Biologie der Süsswasserinsekten, Berlin & Copenhague, Gyldendalske Boghandel & J. Springer, 1943. B.M.H.N., Paris
- David A. West & Alfred Möller, Fritz Müller: a naturalist in Brazil, Blacksburg (VA), Pocahontas Press, 2003. G.B.
- W. Percival Westell, British reptiles, amphibians, and fresh water fishes, Londres, Chapman & Dodd, n.d. (0)
- W. Percival Westell, A year with nature, Londres, Henry J. Drane, circa 1900.
- W. Percival Westell, Country Rambles. Being a Field Naturalist’s and Country Lover’s. Note Book for a Year, Londres, Henry J. Drane, 1903. (0)
- W. Percival Westell, The story of insect life, Londres, Robert Culley, 1907. (0) Bouquiniste
- W. Percival Westell, Fifty-Two Nature Rambles. A serie of open air talks for young people, Londres, The Religious Tract Society, 1907. (?)
- W. Percival Westell, Every boy’s book of british natural history, Londres, The Religious Tract Society, 1909. (0) Bouquiniste
- W. Percival Westell, Nature stalking for boys. Throught Field-Glass, Stereoscope and Camera, Londres, J. M. Dent, 1909.
- W. Percival Westell, The Circling Year, Part 2, Rambles in summer, Londres, Thomas Nelson & Sons, circa 1910. (?)
- W. Percival Westell, The Circling Year, Part, Rambles in Springs, Londres, Thomas Nelson & Sons, circa 1910. (?)
- W. Percival Westell, My Life as a Naturalist, Londres, Cecil Palmer & Hayward, 1918.
- W. Percival Westell, British Insects (General), Ill. Doris Meyer, Londres, The Abbey Nature Books, Chapman & Dodd, circa 1925.
- W. Percival Westell, Pond Life, Londres, MacMillan, 1944. B.M.H.N., Paris
- W. Percival Westell, & Henry E. Turner, The Hedge I know, Londres, J.M. Dent & Company, 1910. L.D.B.
- James Weston, The Fresh-Water Aquarium, Londres, Marshall Japp & Co., 1881. British Library, Londres
- J. O. Westwood, The entomologists text book an introduction to the natural history , structure, physiology and classification of Insects, Londres, W.M. S. Or & Co., 1838. G.B.
- F. Weyer & F. Zumpt, Gesundheitsschätdliche Insekten und Spinnentiere der warmen Länder, Hambourg, W.Thaden, 1943. (0) Bouquiniste
- Hewett Wheatley, The Rod and Line or Practical Hints and Dainty Devices for the Sure Taking of Trout, grayling, etc, Londres, Longman, Brown, Green & Longmans, 1849. (?)
- George Chandler Whipple & Gordon Maskew Fair & Melville Conley Whipple, The microscopy of drinking water, New York, John Wiley & Sons, 1927. G.B.
- Joseph Williams Williams, Land and fresh-water shells: an introduction to the study of conchology ,Londres, Swan Sonnenschein & Co. 1889. G.B.
- Adam White & Arthur Gardiner, The Zoology of the voyage of H.M.S. Erebus et Terror during the years 1839 to 1843, Londres, E. W. Janson, 1846-1874. (0) Bouquiniste
- Rev. Gilbert White, The Natural History of Selborne, Londres, Joseph Griffin & Co., 1853. G.B.
- Arens Eisenbeis Wichard, Biological Atlas of aquatic insects, New York, Apollo Books, 2002. Collezione dei Tricoterri Italiani “G.P. Moretti”, Musei Universasitari, Perugia
- Wilfried Wichard, Die Köcherfliegen : Trichoptera, Lutherstad (Wittenberg), A. Ziemsen, 1988. (?)
- Wilfried Wichard & Werner Arens Eisenbeis, Biological Atlas of Aquatic Insects, Stenstrup, Danemark, Apollo Books, 2002. B.M.H.N., Paris
- Ch. Wiedemann, Ausseuro äische Zweiflügeglise Insekten, Hamm, In der Schulzischen Buchhandlung,1828 (0) B.M.H.N., Paris
- Christoph Martin Wieland, Sämmtliche Werke, Leipzig, Göschen, 1825. G.B.
- V. B. Wigglesworth, Physiologie des insectes, Paris, Dunod, 1959. (0) B.M.H.N., Paris
- V. B. Wigglesworth, The life of insects, Londres, Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1964. (0) Bouquiniste
- V. B. Wigglesworth, La vie des insectes, Lausanne , Editions Rencontre, circa 1970. (?)
- J. B. Wilbrand, Handbuch der Naturgeschichte des Thierreichs, Giessen, G.F. Heyer, 1829. (0) B.M.H.N., Paris
- Lech Wilczek, Auge in Auge, Bilder aus der Insektenwelt, Stuttgart, kosmos.(0) Bouquiniste
- John Wilkes, Encyclopedia Londinensis or Universal Dictionnary, vol. III Londres, Jones, 1810. N.H.M.L., Londres
- J. Will, Die wichtigsten Fortinsekten, Neudamn, J. Neumann, 1906. (?)
- J. E. Willet, Wonders of insect life, Philadelphie, Benjamin Griffith,1880. (0) Bouquiniste
- David Williams Williams, Australian freshwater life: the invertabrate of Australian inland waters, Melbourne, MacMillan, 1980. G.B.
- Dudley D. Williams & Blair W. Felmate , Aquatic Insects, Oxford, C.A.B. International, 1992. Museum of Victoria, Melbourne
- Joseph William Williams, Land and fresh-water shells: an introduction to the study of conchology, Londres, Swan Sonnenschein, 1907. N.H.M.L., Londres
- Samuel Howard Williams, The living world, New York, The MacMillan,1938. (?)
- Friedrich Philipp Wilmsen, Handbuch der Naturgeschichte, Berlin, C.F. Amelang,1821. (?)
- Wilned, Les vacances du professeur Seguin, Paris, Edition Education Intégrale, (1934), 1939. (0) Bouquiniste
- Andrew Wilson, Zoology, Londres, Chambers, 1877. (0)
- Andrew Wilson, Leaves from a Naturalist’s Note-Book, Londres, Chatto & Windus, 1882.
- Andrew Wilson, Leisure-Time Studies, Chiefly Biological, Londres, Chatto & Windus,1879. (0)
- Ron Wilson, The Urban Dweller’s Wildlife Companion, Poole (Dorset), Blandform Press, 1983. Bouquiniste
- T. Wilson, The little book of nature : comprising the elements of geology, mineralogy, Londres, Darton & Clark, 1845. G.B.
- Michael Winterbourn, Freshwater life: streams, ponds, swamps, lakes and rivers, Ill. Karen Mason, Wellington, Mobil New Zealand Nature Series, Reed, 1983. L.D.B.
- Herman Theodore Wolf, Goldfish breeds and other aquarium fishes, their care and propagation, Philadelphie, Innes & sons, 1908.
- Jacobus Wolff, Insectis in genere, Leipzig, Literis Sporellianis, 1660. (0) Bouquiniste
- W. Woltersdorff, Blätter für Aquarien und Terrearien-kunde, Stuttgart, Julius Wegner, 1918. (?)
- Charles William Woodworth, Guide to California Insects, Berkeley, The Law Press, 1912. (0) G.B.
- Francis C. Woodworth, Wonders of the insect world, New York, Miller, Orton & Mulligan, 1856. (0) Bouquiniste
- Francis C. Woodworth, «An industrial exhibition of insects» Woodworth’s American Miscellany of Entertaining Knowledge , Boston, Phillips, Samson & Co. 1853. G.B.
- Rev. J.G. Wood, Out of doors, Londres, Longmans, Green & Co., 1874. G.B.
- Rev. J.G. Wood, Los precursores de arte y de la indusria, Barcelone, Montaner y Simon, 1886. Bouquiniste
- Rev. J.G. Wood, Half hours with a naturalist, rambles near the shore, Londres, Charles Burnet & Co., 1889. (0)
- Rev. J.G. Wood, The illustrations of Natural History, Londres, G. Routledge. (0) Bouquiniste
- Rev. J.G. Wood, The Brook and its Banks, Londres, circa 1885. (?)
- Rev. J.G. Wood, Strange dwellings, being a description of the habitations of animals, Londres, Loogmans, Greeen and CO, 1913. Bouquiniste
- Theodore Wood, Practical Lessons on Insect Life, Londres, Joseph Hughes, 1882.
- Theodore Wood, Our insect allies, Londres, Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, General Literature Committee, 1884.
- Theodore Wood, The Rev. J. G. Wood His Life and Work, Londres, Cassell & Company, 1890.
- Theodore Wood, Dwellers in the pond, Londres & Edinbourg, T. C. & E.C. Jack, circa 1910. (?)
- Rose Yeatman Woolf, The insect world, Londres, Raphael Tuck, circa 1920. (0) Bouquiniste
- S. P. Woodward, «How we began shell-collecting», in Recreative Science, A record and Remembrancer of Intellectuel Observation, vol.II, Londres, Groombridge, 1861. G.B.
- Hooker Worthingto, Natural History fot the use of Schools and Familes, New York, Harper & Brother, 1860.
- Edouard Wotton, Oxoniensis de differentis animalium libri, Paris,apud Vascosanum, 1552. B. I. Médecine, Montpellier
- Bertha E. Wright, Gleanings from nature: or a home tour with Aunt Bessie, Nashville, Methodist Episcopal Church / J.D. Barbee, 1871.
- Julia MacNair Wright, Nature Readers Sea Side and Way-Side, n° 1, Boston, Heath & Co., 1896. (0)
- Julia MacNair Wright, Nature Readers Sea Side and Way-Side, n° 2, Boston, Heath & Co., 1896.
- Julia MacNair Wright, Nature Readers Sea Side and Way-Side, n°3, Boston, Heath & Co., 1893. (0)
- Julia MacNair Wright, Nature Readers Sea Side and Way-Side, n° 4, Boston, Heath & Co., 1895. (0)
- Thomas Wright, Dictionary of obsolete and provincial English, containing words from the English Writers, vo. 1, Londres, Henry G. Bohn,1857. G.B.
- Chenfu Francis Wu, Catalogus Insectorum sinensium, vol. 3, Peiping, The Fan Memorial Institute of Biology, 1935-1940. (0) B.M.H.N., Paris
- Dolf Wyllarde, The story of Eden, New York, John Lane Co.,1901. G.B.
- Clotilde von Wyss, The teaching of nature study, Londres, A. & C. Black, (1927) 1951. Bouquiniste