These cottages

Jeanette Augustus Marks, Little Bu sybodies, New York, Harper & Bros, 1909.

« Oh, please, sir, you said there was another cousin called the caddis-worm »
« So I did, » said the old man. « Fetch me that stone, Jack. « He pointed to a stone lying in the water. Jack brought it to him, and he broke something off from it.
« What’s that ? »
« That’s a stick, » answered Betty.
« No, that’s not a stick, that’s a caddis-worm. This little fellow, unlike some spoiled children I know has to find its own dinner, change its own clothes, tuck itself into bed, and build its own house. An dit is brighter than some children I know, « said the old man, looking kindly at Peter.  « The caddis-worm buids itself different kinds of house. Some of the houses are shaped like the horns you blow on the Fourth of July, and one kind of house is made of the finest sand, fastened together with bands of finest silk,, which the caddis spins. Our caddis-worm has patience, » said the old man, shaking his head and looking at Jimmie-« patience, plenty of patience. » He puffed away at his pipe for a few seconds. « Some build rougher houses, choosing small pebbles instead of sand. Of these it build a long tube. Others make a little green summer cottage with twigs, grasses, and pine-needles, from which they build an attractive bungalow by laying, down four pieces and crossing the ends like this :
« These cottages are built about an inch long, and in them the young caddis-worm have a cool and cosey summer home. Often these little houses have silken hanging inside. The little owners fasten the hooks at the end of their bodies to these and moor themselves securely »
« What do you call it a worm for ? » asked Mrs. Reece.
« Well, it looks a little like a worm. It has a long, slender body, but it has six jointed legs, which real worm don’t have. See this fellow ! » Ben Gile pulled the worm out of its case.
« Oh, see ! part of the body is so plate and soft ! »
« That, child, is because it is always covered by the little house. The front end and the legs, however, are darker. That’s sunburn, I suppose. »
« When young Master Caddis-Worm goes out for a swim or a walk it pushes its six legs out-of-doors, and walks along, carrying its house with it. Very convenient, you see ! No doors to lock ! And if it gets tire dit does not have to walk home ; it just walks in and goes to sleep under a nice smooth stone. Some roam about and some stay at home. These creatures are pretty much like human beings in their ways.
« One of the young caddis-worm prefers fishing to walking, like some other young fellows I know. On a stone near its house it spins a fine web, turned pu-stream, so that any tender little insects floating down-stream get lodged in it. An easy way to get your dinner-just to go to a net and eat. »