The trout takes its time

Allen P. Parsons, Outdoor life complete book of fresh water fishing, Outdoor Life, New York, Harper & Row, 1963.

Caddis worms are well know to most fishermen. They are found in those little bundles of twigs, sand, and tiny pebbles glued together with a secretion from the mug itself. To collect them, use a fine-mesh net and scoop them up along the bottom.

You have  the choice of two ways to fish this worm, either takin git from its case or fishing it by hooking it through the rind of its case without killing the worm. As the worm is only about 1 inch long, you will need a small, thin wire hook, about a N° 14. Fish it on the bottom.

p. 47-48.

The trout takes its time, is slow and delibarate, and when it takes the articial is quick to realize that it is inedible and spits it out. Sometimes you will see the flash of the fish as it turns in the water to take the nymph. More often the only indication that the nymph has been taken is the momentary pause of the floating leader. You have to be watchful all the time and quick in your response.

Fish the nymph at the edge of a current.

Here it is that trout lurk to nab food brought to them by the water. Let the fly drift around underwater rocks and emergent boulders where the trout love to lurk. Watersoaked logs and heaps of débris close to the current are good, as are cut banks.

Pockets in fast water are excellent.

If you want to bait-fish, the larvae of the caddis fly are good bait. You’ll find them on the bottom of quiet pools. Trout feed greedily upon them. They are encased in little bundles of what appear to be sticks or coarse straws. Peel off the outer casing and you will find a yellowish worm Inside. This is the caddis-fly larva. The case in which the worm is found may be distinguished from similar debris found at the bottoms as they are open at one end. The casings care of varying appearance. In addition to sticks or strawlike material, they also may be of tiny pebbles, sand, leaves, or bark, according to the type of stream. The casings seem to be gummed together sort of mucilaginous sécrétion of the nymph. The trout gobble them, casings and all. That is why when you examine the stomach of a trout you often will fin dit full of a muddy mess.

p. 153-154.