Emma Phipson, The Animal Lore of Shakespeare’s Time Including Quadrupeds, Birds, Repitles, Fish and Insects, Londres, Kegan Paul Trench Trubner & Co., 1883, p. 419.
The Water-fly is alluded to by Shakspeare as denoting light-hearted, emty-headed vanity. Hamlet, on Osric’s entrance, asks of Horacio, « Dost know this water-fly ? »
Muffet writes of the Caddis-fly, the frequenter of pools ans stream :-
« Phryganides come from the little worms……little cados worms where of they come » page 943.
Izaak Walton mentions several kinds of caddis or case-worms, but is ignorant of what sort of flies they turn into. His only interest in them, as in almost every other living organism, is whether or not they can be used « to bait fish withal ».