One advantage is that there is not much else to do

Robert Burton, Ponds : Their Wildlife and Upkeep, Londres, David & Charles, 1977, p. 57

About 150 British caddis flies build portable cases of plant or stones but very few have had their construction habits subjected to close study. Case-building behaviour can be watched by pushing the larva out of its case by inserting the head end of a pin up the rear entrance. Unfortunately, the case which the larva then re-assembles around its naked body is often abnormal, but at least the mechanism of selecting and fitting new material can be seen. There is no real substitute for watching the complete larval cycle, a long-term project as eggs are laid mainly in late summer and the larvae pupate in the following spring. One advantage is that there is not much else to do in the pond-watching line at this season !







Robert Burton, Ponds : Their Wildlife and Upkeep, Londres, David & Charles, 1977, p. 57