
Edward CarpenterCivilization: its cause and cure and other essays, Londres, Swan Sonnenschein, 1891, p. 153-154.

Each race, each class, each section of the population, each unit even, vaunts its own habite of life as sperior to the rest, as the only true and legitimate forms; and people and classes will go to war with each other in assertion of their own special beliefs and practices; but the question that rather presses upon the ingenuous and inquiry mind is, whether, any of us have got hold of much true life at all?- whether  we are not rather mere multitudinous varieties of caddis-worms shuffef up in the cast-off skins and clothes and débris of those who have gone before us, with very little vitality of our own perceptible within? How many times a day do we perform an action that is authentic and not a mere mechanical piece of repetition ? Indeed, if our various actions and practices were authentic and flowing from the true necessity, perhaps we shouldn’t quarrel with each other over them so often as we do…./…. The Caddis-worm has grown to its tube and cannot leave it. A little spark of vitality amid a heap of dead matter, all it can do is to make its dwelling a little more convenient in shape for itself, or (like the coral insect) to prolong its growth in the most favorable direction for those that come after.