In the abundance of the good things

Hugh MacMillan, « Personality and Impersonality », New York, The Christian Work, 7 juin 1902, p. 863.

In many of our rapid streams there is a very slender kind of worm living, called a caddis-worm. It gathers round itself a compact case of little bits of sand and gravel and sticks and any substance that happens to float past that it can lay hold of. In this case it hides itself, and attaches itself to the bottom of the stream and resists the force of the current. This case is many times the size of its own body : and when you pull it to pieces and reach the worm in the Inside you are surprise to find how thin and small it is; how little living material there is at the heart of all this great mass of sand and gravel and sticks. And so it is with the rich man in the parable. It is the riches with wich he is encased that swell out his life and make his petty, insignifiant being bulk so largely in the eye of the community, ans take such a firm hold of the world. His life indeed consists in the abundance of the good things he possesses. The meat is more than the life, and the raiment more than the body.