Edward Newman, The insect hunters and other poems, Londres, Van Voorst, 1861, p. 55-56.
Caddisflies, PHRYGANEINA,
Simulate the moths so nearly
That the student fist beginning
Finds the likenes quite confusing.
They have hairy wings and bodies,
Long antennae, manyjointed,
Very, very manyjointed,
Always stretched out straight before them ;
The hind wings are folded lengthwise
Underneath the hairy fore wings,
Caddis larvae are aquatic,
Living always in the water,
In a case of their own making.
Habitation locomotive ;
‘Tis of wonderful construction ;
Sometimes made of tiny pebles,
Sometimes of the smallet shailshells,
Sometimes of small bits of rushes,
Or of leaves long soaked in water,
Always neatly joined together,
Always joined with silk together.
In these wellconstructed mansions
Every Caddis has its dwelling.
Reaching out its head and fore legs
It devours the sodden edges
Of the waterweeeds and grasses,
And the leaves of weeping willows
Gently dipping under water.