
George William Stow, The native races of South Africa : A history of the intrusion of the Hottentots and Bantu into the Hunting Grounds of the Bushmen the Aborigines of the Country, Londres, Swan Sonnenschein, 1905, p. 113.

Dr. Bleek, as we have seen, identifies ‘Kagen (‘Kaang) with the Mantis. These Bushmen appear to apply the same word to the caddisworms as to the mantis, to which the name of N’go vide ixo of Dr Bleek) is also given. The N’go, or caddisworm, which is frequently met with a certain seasons in some parts of the Free State, constructs a case for itself with pieces of dtraw, and it was probably its peculiar appearance, as well as that of the mantis, which first attracted the superstitions attention of the Bushmen towards these remarkable insects, which were subsequently held in high veneration by some of them. The Bachoana consider the N’go to be very poisonous, and are afraid of them should they meet them among the grass when the cattle are grazing.