Clifford Bennett Moore, The Book of Wild Pets: Being a Discussion on the Care and Feeding of Our Native Wildlife in Captivity, Boston, O. T. Branford & Co., 1954, pp. 86-88.
Archives du mot-clé expérimentation
Fragment of paper
Harold Bastin, Freaks and marvels of insect life, Londres, Hutchinson, 1954, pp. 104-105.
The contemporary factors
Helton Godwin Baynes, Analytical psychology and the English mind and other papers, Londres, Methuen & Co. 1950, p. 167.
Pieces of mica or celluloid
John Clegg, Studying Insects, Ill. E.C. Mansell, Herts, Bruce & Gawthorn, circa 1950, p. 42.
Ornamental effect
Leonard Robert Brightwell, The Pond People, Londres, W. Gardner, Darton, 1949,
pp. 50-51.
Most people
A.D. Imms, Insect Natural History, Londres, Collins, 1947, pp. 245-246.
Can they learn by experience?
Lorus Johnson Milne & Margery J. Milne, A Multitude of Living Things, New York, Dood, Mead & Company, (1945) 1947, pp. 35-43.
Repair through behaviour
Edward Stuart Russell, The Directiveness of organic activities, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1945, pp. 18-19.
Observations and experiments
Manton Copeland & Sears Crowell, « Observations and Experiments on the Case-Building Instinct of two Species of Trichoptera », Psyche, n° 44, Cambridge, «Entomological Club», 1937, pp. 125-131.
Ancient artizans
Stuard Ward Frost, Ancient artizans, the Wonders of the Insect World, Boston, The Van Press, 1936.
Transparent case
Francis Day Curtis & Otis William Caldwell & Nina Henry Sherman, Biology for Today, Boston, Ginn and Co, 1934, p. 661. Lire la suite
Make a drawing
Ernest E. Unwin, Pond problems, The Cambridge nature study series, Cambridge University Press, (1914), 1934, pp. 49-50.
Comparative spychology
Frank E. Lutz, « Caddys-Fly Larvae as Mason and Builders, Flexibility in the Case-making Behavior of Caddis-Fly Larvae », New York, Natural History, The Journal of the American Museum of Natural History, vol. 30, 1930, pp. 275- 281.
Laboratory program
James George Needham, Elementary Lessons on Insects, Springfield (IL), Charles Thomas, 1928.
First lessons in Nature Study
Edith M. Patch, First Lessons in Nature Study, New York, The McMillan Company, 1927, pp. 210-212.