Iconography online : N

  • Jérôme NadaudLa pêche, Paris, Larousse, 1955, p. 398.
  • Claire NadaudQui habite dans l’étang ?, Paris, Picolia, Cité des Sciences et de l’Industrie, 1996.
  • Charles Ottley Groom NapierLakes and Rivers, Natural History Rambles, Londres, Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, 1879, p. 221.
  • James George Needham, Aquatic insects in New York State, Albany, New York State Museum Bulletin 68, Entomology 18, University of the State of New York, 1903, p. 211.
  • James George Needham, Elementary Lessons on Insects, Springfield (IL), Charles Thomas, 1928.
  • Antje Neumann & Burkhard Neumann, Wasserfühlungen, Ill, Kasia Sander, Münster, Oekotopia, 2003.
  • Marie NeuratLe monde curieux des insectes, Paris, Gautier-Languereau, 1957.
  • T.R. New, Name that Insect, A Guide to the Insects of Southeastern Australia, Melbourne, Oxford, 1996.
  • William A. Niering, The Life of the Marsh, New York, MacGraw-Hill, 1966.
  • Hiroyuki Nishimoto, Kazumi Tanida, Wayne K. Gall & Naomi Minakami, “Discovery of the Genus Larcasia (Trichoptera, Goeridae) in Japan, with the Descriptions of Two New Species”, Entomological Science, 2(3), p. 425-438, 1999.
  • Hiroyuki Nishimoto & Takao Nozaki & David E. Ruiter, “New Limnephilid Genus (Trichoptera) from Japan, with Description of a New Species”, Entomological Science, 3 (2), p. 377-386, 2000.
  • Jill Norman, In Garden, Field and Pond, Londres, Hutchinson, 1958, p. 136.
  • Jill Norman, Down to the pond, Londres, Hutchinson, 1961, p. 42-43.
  • Takao Nozaki & Masakazu Itou, “Immature stages of Brachypsyche sibirica (Martynov) (Trichoptera: Limnephilidae)”, Entomological Science, 1(3), pp. 324-426, 1998.
  • Nivoit, Géologie appliquée à l’art de l’ingénieur, tome second, Stratigraphie ou géologie proprement dite, Paris, Baudry & Cie., 1889, p. 516-517.