Gerald Durrell, My family and other animals, Londres, Rupert Hart-Davis, 1956.
Archives du mot-clé aquarium
A white and a blue caddis larva
Maxwell Knight, Instruction to young naturalist, n° 1, British, Amphibians, Reptiles and Pond Dwellers, Londres, Museum Press, 1956, pp. 122-113.
Elle réunira ainsi 200 grains
Marcel Sire, L’aquarium, ses enseignements (Étude d’un milieu naturel), Bordeaux, Éditions de Pédagogie Active et de Documentation, 1949, p. 162.
A wide variety of materials
Richard Morse, Life in Pond and Stream, Ill Ennion E.A.R. Chameleon Books n° 23, Londres, Oxford University Press, 1945, pp. 60-61.
The worm build a new transparent home
J. A. Partridge, Everyday Science (for Grade 7), Toronto & Vancouver, J. M. Dent, 1940, p. 352-353
Decorative results
Henry Williamson, Nature in Britain, article Pond and Stream Life de E.G. Boulenger, Londres, Batsford, 1936, p. 125.
If no other material is at hand
E.G. Boulenger, Richard St. Barbe Baker, L.C. Bushby etc., Nature in Britain: An illustrated Survey, Londres, Batsford T., 1936, p. 125.
The story of the three pigs
Rebecca Rice, Exploring God’s Out-of-Door, Boston & Chicago, The Pilgrim Press, (1933), 1935, p. 37-39.
Les débris d’un couvre-objet pour préparations microscopiques
Frank Brocher, Regarde, Paris, Fernand Nathan, 1935, p. 28.
The most dazzling effects
Edward George Boulenger, Animal mysteries, Ill. L. Brightwell, Londres, Duckworth, 1927, p. 126.
That depends on the family
Clotilde von Wyss, Living creatures : Studies of Animals and Plant Life, Londres, A. & C. Black, 1927, pp. 59-67.
Old photographic films
Laurence E. Palmer, « The smaller creature of quiet water », Ithaca (New York), Cornell Rural School Leaflet, vol. XIV, n°2, novembre 1920, pp. 127-128.
In various fashions
Anonyme, Hobbies, vol. 1-3, Buffalo Museum of Sciences, Buffalo Society of Natural Sciences, 1920, p. 150.
Is a very attractive immate of the aquarium
Anonyme, The Concise Household Encyclopedia, vol. 1 Abe-Lim, Londres, The Educational Book Company, 1920, p. 172. Lire la suite
Emile André, « Sur l’homochromie des larves de phryganes » Zeitschrift für Hydrologie, Hydrographie, Hydrobiologie, Fischereiwissenschaft, vol. 1, Aarau-Sauerländer, 1920.