Gregory C. Bateman, Fresh-Water Aquaria: their Construction, Arrangement, and Management, Londres, L. Upton Gill, 1892, p. 274-279.
Archives du mot-clé aquarium
Ce ne sont que des petits morceaux de bois collés ensemble.
Armand Dubois, Au bord d’une mare, Entretiens dur l’histoire naturelle, Limoges, Eugène Ardant, (1891), réédition Hachette Livre/ B.N.F, p. 252-254 et p.256-257. Lire la suite
The gigantic mollusk seen by Nemo
Horace Lunt, Across Lots, Boston, D. Lothrop, 1888, p. 179-181.
Un animal de choix pour l’aquarium
Anonyme, Cassell’s Household Guide being a complete Encyclopedia of Domestic and Social Economy, vol. 1, Londres, Cassel, Petter and Galpin, circa 1880, p. 64.
A source of intense amusement
C. L. Jones, « The Fresh Water Aquarium », Fruit recorder and Cottage Gardener, vol. 9, n° 11, Rochester (N Y), A. M. Purdy, 1 novembre 1875, p. 166.
Brilliant substances
J.G. Wood, The fresh and salt water aquarium, Londres, G. Routledge, circa 1873, p. 137-138.
Le meilleur moyen
Jules Pizzetta, L’aquarium d’eau douce, Paris, J. Rothschild, 1872.
Une petite collection
Alf. Preudhomme de Borre, « Catalogue synonymique et descriptif d’une petite collection de fourreaux de larves de Phryganides de Bavière » Bruxelles, Annales de la Société Entomologique de Belgique, XIV, 1871, p. 62-65.
Uncomfortable without any clothes
Mrs Battersby, ” The Young Insect-Hunter”, The Children’s Own Magazine, 1869.
It appropriated to itself all his treasures
Edward Hartley, “Humpty Dumpty The Children’s Hour”, part. II, Londres, The Christian World Magazine and Family Visitor, 1869, p. 154.
The pugnacity shown by this individual specimen
J. G. T. « The Caddis-Worm », Hardwicke’s Science-Gossip, Londres, 1 août 1867, p . 167. Lire la suite
Pleasure from a few caddis larvae
M. Pope, « Caddis-Worms », Science Gossip, Londres, mai 1866, pp. 109-110.
The Caddis-worm and its houses
Elizabeth Mary Smee, « The Caddis-worm and its houses», Londres, The Intellectual Observer : Review of Natural History, Microscopic Research and Recreative Science, vol. V, , Groombridge, juin 1864, p. 307-317. Lire la suite
They are funny fellows these cads
Robert & A.M. West, « Fresh and Salt-Water aquaria », Report of the Commissioner of Agriculture for the year,Washington, Government Printing Office, 1864, p. 458-459.
The idea of a cat peeping out of a muff
Anonyme, Hints for the formation of a fresh-water aquarium, Londres, Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, 1858, p. 107-108. Lire la suite