Anonyme, « Bugs and Things or Fred and Ethel at the Brookside », The American Teacher, volume VIII, Boston, New-England Publishing Copany, 1891, p. 294.
Archives du mot-clé pretty
Yes, it does
G. Christopher Davies, The Swan and her crew, or the adventures of three young naturalists and sportsmen on the broads and rivers of Norkfolk, Londres, Frederick Warne, 1889, p. 168-169.
It was about a quarter of two P.M. when…
Mary E. Bamford, The Second Year of the Look-about Club, Ill. Hiram Barnes, Boston, Lothrop Lee & Shepard, 1889, p. 135-143.
Very remarkable objects
Theodore Wood, Our insect allies, Londres, Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, General Literature Committee, 1884, p. 130-132.
They are amusing without being immoral
Charles Kingsley, The boys’ and girls’ book of science, Londres, Strahan & Co., 1881.
We have repeatedly tried experiments
James Rennie, Insect Architecture, édition augmentée par J.G. Wood, Londres, Bell & Daldy, 1869, p. 202-207.
Uncomfortable without any clothes
Mrs Battersby, ” The Young Insect-Hunter”, The Children’s Own Magazine, 1869.
A strange voice
Mona B. Bickerstaffe, Down Among the Waterweeds or Marvels of Pond Life, Johnstone, Edimbourg Hunter & Co., 1867.
The poor animal
Henry Downes Miles, The Book Field sports containing a complete system of the Veterinary Art, Londres, Henry Doxnes, 1862.
A more laborious structure
Anonyme, “Water Insects” The youth’s Cabinet: a book of gems for the mind and the hear, vol. 2, New York, 1852, p. 10-11.
Moveable tents
Anonyme, Insects and their Habitations, Londres, John W. Parker, 1834, p.67-68.
Grotto building
Jammes Rennie, Alphabet of Scientific Angling for the Use of Beginners, Londres, Willliam Orr, 1833, p. 34-35.
Uncle Philip’s Conversations
Uncle Philip’s, Conversations with Young Persons, New York, J. & J. Harper, 1833, p. 73-76.