(Notre bibliothèque / our library)
Anonymes | A | B | C | D | EF | G | H | IJK | L | M | NO | PQ | R | S | TUV | W | XYZ |
* = non consultable / not available for consultation
- Lutz Hafner & Eckhard Philipp, Materialien für den Sekundarbereich II Biologie : Ökologie, Hannovre, Schroedel, 1986.
- Samuel Carter Hall, The Book of the Thames, from its Rise to its Fall, Londres, J. S. Virtue and Co., 1859.*
- Charles A. Hall, The Open Book of Nature an Introduction to nature study, Londres, A. & C. Black, 1911.
- Charles A. Hall, Pond Life, Londres, A. & C. Black, 1920.
- John Irvin Hamaker, The principles of biology, Philadelphie, P. Blakiston’s son & Co., 1913.
- Nanny Hammarström, Frau Frosch, Munich, Etzold & Co., circa 1910.
- John Hammerton (dir.), Outline of nature in the British Isles. A comprehensive photo-survey of the varied life of field and Hedgerow Moor and Mountain River Pond & Sea, photo Botting, vol. 1, Londres, The Amalgamated Press, circa 1930.
- Kees Hana, Van dier en plant, water en land, Amsterdam, Van Holkema & Warendorf NV, 1942.
- David Hancocks, Master Builders of the animal world, Londres, Hugh Evelyn, 1973.
- Mike Hansell, Built by Animals : The Natural History of Animal Architecture. Oxford University Press, 2009.
- R. von Hanstein, Die Insekten sowie die übrigen Gliederfüsser mit Ausnahme der Käfer ind Schmetterlinge, Wiesbaden, Pestalozzi Verlag, 1923
- W.G. Hardy (Edit.), Alberta, A Natural History, Alberta, The Patrons, 1975.
- Hilda T. Harpster, The insect world, Ill. Zhenya Gay, New-York, The Viking Press, 1947.
- Reg Harris, Natural History Collecting, Ill. Peter Thornley, Londres, Paul Hamlyn, 1969.
- Leon A. Hausman, Beginner’s Guide to Fresh-Water Life, New-York, G.P. Putnam’s Sons, 1950.
- Richard Headstrom, Adventures with freshwater animals, New York, Dover, 1983.
- Frank & Katrin Hecker, Teich und Tümpre, Treffpunkt, Stuttgart, Kosmos, 2010.
- Robert Hegner, Parade of the Animal Kingdom, Londres, MacMillan, 1971.
- C. Heller, Das Süsswasser Aquarium, Leipzig, Quelle & Mener, 1913.
- Walter Hellmich, Tiere der Alpen, Munich, F. Bruckmann, 1956.
- Ernst Hentschel, Das Leben des Süsswassers, Munich, E. Reinhardt, 1909.
- Franck Herbrecht, Olivier Durand, Floriane Karas, Jean-Paul Quinette, Invertébrés et milieux remarquables des Pays de la Loire, Gretia/Naturalia, Turriers, 2015.
- Lilo Hess, Animals that hide, imitate, and bluff, New York, Scribner, 1970.
- Richard Hesse et Franz Doflein, Tierbau und Tierleben, vol. II, Leipzig-Berlin, B.G. Teubner, 1914.
- Stéphane Hette, Cathy Hette et Marcello Pettineo, 4 m2 de nature, Toulouse, Plume de carotte 2018.
- Shirley Hibberd, The Book of the Aquarium or Practical Instructions, Londres, Groombridge, 1856.*
- Norman E. Hickin, Caddis, a short account of the biology of British Caddis flies with special reference to the immature stages, Londres, Methuen & Co., 1952.
- Norman E. Hickin, Caddis larvae : Larvae of the British Trichoptera, Londres, Hutchinson, 1967.
- E. Norman Hickin, African Notebook, The notes of a biologist in East Africa, Londres, The Scientific Book Club, 1969.
- Norman E. Hickin, The Natural History of an English forest : the wild life of Wyre, Londres, Hutchinson, 1971.
- Bert Higler, De Nederlandse Kokerjufferlarven, Utrecht, Knnv Uitgeverij, 2005.
- Barrie N. Hodgson, Insects of the British Isles, Londre, John Crowther, 1946.
- Siegfried Hoeher & Heiko Bellmann, Insekten im Kreislauf der Natur, Munich, J.F Lehmanns, 1976.
- Eduard Hoffer, Thierkunde für Lehrer und Lehrerinnen-Bildungsanstalten, Vienne, F. Tempsky, 1898.
- Ada Hofman, Het Vijver Boek, Praktisch handboek voor aanleg en onderhoud, planten en dierenleven, Anvers, Zumer & Keuning, 1988.
- Ada Hofman, Vijvers, Meer plezier met een gezonde en heldere vijver, Anvers, Zomer & Keuning, 1989
- Jabez Hogg, The Microscope : Its History Construction and Applicartions, Londres, Herbert Ingram, 1856.*
- Edith Holden, Journal Champêtre d’Edith Holden, Paris, Blume-Chêne, 1982.
- Charlotte Holmes, Common Insects of Oxen Pond Botanic Park, St John, Newfoundland, Memorial University of Newfoundland, 1975.
- Jana Horackova, Animaux de tous les pays, Paris, Gründ, 1982.
- Leland O. Howard & G. Barendrecht, Mensch en Insect, hun onderlinge strijd. Amsterdam, 1930.
- Paul Griswold Howes, Insect Behavior, Boston, Richard G. Badger, Gorham Press, 1919.
- Paul Griswold Howes, Backyard exploration, New York, Doubleday Page & Company, 1927.
- Paul Griswold Howes, Hand Book for the curious, New York, G.P. Putnam’s sons, 1936.
- R. D. Hughes, Living Insects, The Australian Naturalist Library, Collins, Sydney, Londres, 1974.
- G. V. Hudson, New Zealand Neuroptera, Londres, West, Newman et Co., 1904.*
- Helen Hull, Octave a book of stories, New York, Coward-McCann, 1947.
- Samuel J. Hunter, Elementary studies in insect life, Topeka Kansas, Crane & Company, 1903.
- Johannes Otto Hüsing, Die Metamorphose der Insekten, Wittenberg, Ziemsen, 1963.
- Ross E. Hutchins, Insect builders and craftsmen, Chicago, Rand MacNally & Company, 1959.
- Ross E. Hutchins, Caddis Insects, nature’s carpenters and stonemasons, New-York, Dod, Mead & Co., 1966.
- Ross E. Hutchins, Trails to nature’s mysteries : The life of a working naturalist, New York, Dodd Mead, 1977.
- Ross E. Hutchins, Nature Invented it First, New York, Dodd, Mead & Co., 1980.
- Claus-Peter Hutter, Alois Kapfer & Werner Konold, Seen, Teiche, Tümpel und andere Stillgewässer, Weitbrecht, Stuttgart, Weitbrecht, 1993.
- A. Hyatt Verrill, Mœurs étranges des insectes, trad. George Montandon, Paris, Payot, 1938.
- George Edward Hyde, A pocket-book of British Insects, Londres, A. & C. Black, 1949.
- George Edward Hyde, Pond and Stream Life : Commonly Found Species, Londres, Frederick Warne, 1968.
- George Edward Hyde, Insectes Colorama de la Nature, Paris, Bias, 1976.