(Notre bibliothèque / our library)
Anonymes | A | B | C | D | EF | G | H | IJK | L | M | NO | PQ | R | S | TUV | W | XYZ |
* = non consultable / not available for consultation
- Gilbert Waldbauer, A walk around the pond: insects in and over the water, Ill.Meredith Waterstraat, Cambridge (Mass), Harvard University Press, 2006.
- I. D. Wallace, B. Wallace & G. N. Philipson, A Key to the Case-Bearing Caddis Larvae of Britain and Ireland, Cumbria, Frehswater Biological Association, 1990.
- Ian Wallace, Simple Key to Caddis Larvae, Shrewsbury, Field Studies Council, 2006.
- Martin Walters & Jinny Johnson, Animaux du monde, Bath, Parragon, 1999.
- Martin Walters & Jinny Johnson, A la découverte des animaux, Bath, Parragon, 2007.
- Siming Wang & Yao Zhao, A History of Entomology in Modern China (1840-1949), Shanxi, Science & Technology Publising House, 1995
- Francis Ward, Animal life under water, Londres, Cassell and Company, 1919.
- Henry Baldwin Ward & George Chandler Whipple, Fresh-water Biology, New York, John Wiley & Sons, 1918.
- J. V. Ward & B.C. Kondratieff , An Illustrated Guide to the Mountain Stream Insects of Colorado, University Press of Colorado, 1992.
- John J. Ward, Minute marvels of Nature Some revelations of the Microscope, Londres, Isbister and Company, 1903.
- R. Wassmann & W. Xylander, Bestimmungsschlüssel, Fliessgewässer, Stuttgart, Stephanie Naglschmid, 2014.
- F. Austin Watson, Aquarium and Pond Management for Beginners, Strand, Bird Fancy and Aquaria News, circa 1930.
- H. Webb & M. A. Girgg, Modern Science Book 1, Cambridge at the University Press, 1955.
- Walter Housley Wellhouse, , How insects Live. An Elementary Entomology, New York, MacMillan, 1926.
- C. Wesenberg-Lund, Insektlivet I ferske Vande, Copenhague, Gyldendalske Boghandel, 1915.*
- W. Percival Westell & Henry E. Turner, The Hedge I know, Londres, J. M. Dent & Company, 1910.*
- J. O. Westwood, An Introduction to the Modern Classification of Insects, vol. I, Londres, Longman, Orme, Brown, Green and Longmans, 1840.*
- J. O. Westwood, An Introduction to the Modern Classification of Insects, vol. II, Londres, Longman, Orme, Brown, Green and Longmans, 1840.*
- James Whinray, Pond and marsh, Londres, Adam & Charles Black, 1972.
- Virginia Whitman, Illustrations from Nature for Preachers Evangelists Speakers Writers, Grand Rapids (MI), Baker Book House, (1965), 1971.
- Ruth Cooper Whitney, Six Feet, Saint Louis, Webster Publishing Company, 1939.
- Wilfried Wichard, Die Köcherfliegen : Trichoptera. A. Ziemsen Wittenberg Lutherstad. 1978.
- Wilfried Wichard & Rüdiger Wagner, Die Köcherfliegen, Magdeburg, Wolf, 2015.
- Wilfried Wichard, Werner Arens & Gerhard Eisenbeis, Atlas zur Biologie der Wasserinsekten, Stuttgart, Gustav Fischer, 1995.
- Glenn B. Wiggins, Larvae of the North American Caddisfly Genera (Trichoptera), Toronto, University of Toronto Press, 1996.
- Glenn B. Wiggins, Caddisflies : The Underwater Architects, Toronto, University of Toronto Press, 2004.
- Gottlieb Tobias Wilhelm, Unterhaltungen aus der Naturgeschichte Der Insekten, Augsburg, Martin Engelbrechfischen, 1798. *
- Hartmut Wilke, Une mare naturelle dans votre jardin, Mens, Terre Vivante, 2003.
- D. Dudley Williams & Blair W. Felmate, Aquatic Insects, CAB International, Oxon (1992), 1994.
- Margaret Williamson, Les insectes, Montréal, Editions Grolier Limitée, 1969.
- Michael J. Winterbourn & Katharine L.D. Gregson, Guide to the Aquatic Insects of New Zealand, Auckland, Bulletin of the Entomological Society of New Zealand n °5, 1981.
- Michael J. Winterbourn, Freshwater Life : Streams, Ponds, Swamps, Lakes and Rivers, Ill. Karen Mason, Mobil New Zealand Nature Series, Wellington, Reed, 1983
- Reinhard Witt & Claus-Peter Lieckfeld, Bionik, Patente der Natur, Munich, Pro Futura, 1991.
- H. Wohlbold, Das wonder des instinktes, Leipzig, 1940.
- J. G. Wood, Comon Objects of the country, Ill. W.S. Coleman, Londres, Routledge, 1858.*
- J. G. Wood, Homes without Hands, Being a description of the habitations of animals, classed according to their principle of construction, Ill. Keyl W. F. et Smith E., Londres, Longmans, Green & Co., 1865.*
- J. G. Wood, Les architectes de la nature, adaptation d’ Hippolyte Lucas, Paris, Furne, Jouvet & Cie, 1870.*
- J. G. Wood, The boy’s own book of natural history, Londres, G. Routledge, 1886.*
- J. G. Wood, The fresh and salt water aquarium, Londres, G. Routledge, circa 1895.*
- J. G. Wood, Nature’s teachings, Londres, William Glaisher, (1877), 1907.*
- J. G. Wood, Wood’s Illustrated Natural History, Ill. William Harvey, Londres, G. Routledge, n.d.*
- Paul Wossidlo, Leitfaden der Zoologie, Berlin, Weidmannsche Buchhandlung, 1893.
- Norman Wyner, In Nature’s Workshop, Londres, Harrap, 1948.
- Clotilde von Wyss, Living creatures : Studies of Animals and Plant Life, Londres, A. & C. Black, 1927.