(Notre bibliothèque / our library)
Anonymes | A | B | C | D | EF | G | H | IJK | L | M | NO | PQ | R | S | TUV | W | XYZ |
* = non consultable / not available for consultation
- Werner Nachtigall, La nature réinventée, Paris, Plon, 1974.
- Charles Ottey Groom Napier, Lakes and rivers, Londres, Society for the promotion of Christian Knowlmedge, 1879.*
- Rosamond Napier, Tamsie, Londres, Hodder & Stoughton, 1912.
- Helen Nash, The Living Pond, water gardens with fish & other creatures, New York, Sterling, 2000.
- Gert Natzmer, Les secrets du monde vivant, Paris, Plon, 1955.
- Arturs Neboiss, A Taxonomic and Zoogeographic Study of Tasmanian Caddis-Flies, Victoria, 1977.
- Arturs Neboiss, Tasmanian Caddis-flies, Fauna of Tasmania Handbook n°4, Hobbart, University of Tasmania, 1981.
- James George Needham, & Cornelius Betten, Aquatic Insects in the Adirondacks, Albany, New York State Museum Bulletin 47, University of the State of New York, 1901.
- James George Needham, Aquatic insects in New York State, Albany, New York State Museum Bulletin 68, Entomology 18, University of the State of New York, 1903.
- James George Needham & Paul R. Needham, A Guide to the study of Fresh water Biology, New York & Albany, The American Viewpont Society, 1927.*
- James G. Needham, About Ourselves, Man’s development and behaviour from the zoological viewpoint, Ill. William D. Sargent, Londres, George Allen & Unwinded Ltd, 1951.
- T. R. New, Name that Insect, A Guide to the Insects of Southeastern Australia, Melbourne, Oxford, 1996.
- G. Niangoran-Bouah, L’univers Akan des poids à peser l’or, tome I, Abidjan, N.E.A-M.L.R, 1984.
- G. Niangoran-Bouah, L’univers Akan des poids à peser l’or, tome II, Abidjan, N.E.A-M.L.R, 1984
- Anker Nielsen, Über die Entwicklung und Biologieder Trichopteren, Copenhague, Sonderdruck aus dem Archiv für Hydrobiologie Suppl.-BD. XVII, 1942.
- William A. Niering, The Life of the Marsh, New York, MacGraw-Hill, 1966.
- E. Nivoit, Géologie appliquée à l’art de l’ingénieur, Paris, Baudry & Cie, 1889.
- Paul Noel, Ce que j’ai vu chez les bêtes, Paris, Armand Colin, 1913.
- Jill Norman, In Garden, Field and Pond, Londres, Hutchinson, 1958.
- Jill Norman, Down to the pond, Londres, Hutchinson, 1961.
- Claude Nuridsany & Marie Perrennou, Masques et simmmulacres, Paris, Dumay, 1990.
- Elisabeth Mary Odling, Memoir of the late Alfred Smee, F.R.S., London, Bell, (1878), Classic reprints, Pranava Books, 2019.
- Lars-Henrik Olsen & Jakob Sunesen & Bente Vita Pedersen, Les petits animaux des lacs et rivières. Les compagnons du naturaliste, Lausanne, Delachaux et Niestlé, 2000.
- Lars-Henrik Olsen & Jakob Sunesen & Bente Vita Pedersen, Les petits animaux des lacs et rivières. Les compagnons du naturaliste, Lausanne, Delachaux et Niestlé, 2005.
- C.T. Onions, A Shakespeare Glossary, Oxford, The Clarendon Press, 1975.
- Charles d’ Orbigny, Dictionnaire Universel d’Histoire Naturelle, Paris, Chez les Editeurs Renard, Martinet, 1847.
- Frank W. Orme, Cyclopaedia of Coldwater fish and Pond Life, Ill. Michael Stinger, Surrey, Saiga Publishing Company, 1981.
- Eleanor Ormerod, Economic Entomologist Autobiography and Correspondance, Edité par Robert Wallace, Londres, John Murray, 1904.*
- Richard Orton & Anne et John Bebbington, The Freshwater name trail, a key to the invertebrates of ponds and streams, Shropshire, Fsc Publications, circa 2000.
- Christopher 0’Toole, La gran enciclopedia de los insectos, Madrid, Lisa, 2007.
- J. Th. Oudemans, De Nederlandsche Insecten, La Haye, Martinus Nijhoff, 1900.